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Ship Value Formulas
Because Quickfire is a fast-play rules set, many ship values are categorized rather narrowly. For example, there are only four main speed ratings used instead of having individual speeds in one-knot or half-knot intervals. Such streamlining is done to speed game play.
  • Size: Roughly equals one point for each thousand tons displacement. Subtract one point for "old" large ships (over 5000 tons) completed before 1888. Refer to Table 1 for specific values versus tonnage (not including age modifier) covering the first four points of the progression. .
    Table 1.
    Vessel Tonnage Size Rating
    continued... continued...
    4000 4
    3000 3
    2000 2
    500 - 1499 1
    200 - 499 ½
    50 - 199 ¼

  • Armor: Use Table 2 to convert the vessel's Battlefleet 1900 values for Vitals and Upperworks into a single base armor rating. Then use Table 3 to convert the base armor rating into the Quickfire values for Heavy Fire Defense and Light Fire Defense.

    Table 2.
    Battlefleet 1900 Value Modified Vitals Modified Upperworks
    19 9 -
    18 8 -
    17 8 2
    16 8 2
    15 7 2
    14 7 2
    13 6 1
    12 6 1
    11 5 1
    10 5 1
    9 4 1
    8 4 1
    7 3 1
    6 3 1
    5 2 1
    4 2 0*
    3 1 0*
    2 1 0
    1 1 0
    ½ 0 0
    Multiply the BF1900 vitals value by .47 and the upperworks value by .11 and total the two values. The modified columns above offer rapid totalling to establish a QF Base Value.
    * - For vessels with Great upperworks ratings, this 0 becomes a 1.
    Table 3.
    Base Armor Value QF Heavy Fire Defense QF Light Fire Defense
    11 11 22
    10 10 20
    9 9 18
    8 8 16
    7 7 14
    6 6 11
    5 5 9
    4 3 5
    3 2 3
    2 1 2
    1 1 1
    0 ½ ½
    Use the base armor total from Table 1 and cross reference it to find the heavy fire defense value and light fire defense value for use in Quickfire.
    Exception note: Very large, unarmored vessels like ocean liners may have an unusual armor curve, such as a "½ - 1" or a "½ - 2" in order to represent their great size. This type of rating assignment prevents such large ships from being easily sunk by small vessels carrying light weapons.

  • Gunnery: Currently not available. Consult existing ship values for similar gun types.

  • ROF: The two tables below help set the rate of fire (ROF) values for ship's gunnery. Table 4 is for heavy gunnery ROF and Table 5 is for light gunnery values.
    Table 4.
    No. of Guns Fast Normal Slow V. Slow X. Slow
    1 3 2 2 1 1
    2 4 3 2 2 1
    3 5 4 3 2 2
    4 6 5 4 3 2
    5 6 6 5 4 3
    6 6 6 5 4 3
    Cross reference the number of guns with the approximate ROF of that gun type. For example, a ship using four all-round firing 12" guns would cross reference the Normal column with the 4 line, giving an initial ROF of 5.

    Approximate rate-of-fire definitions:
    X. Slow = All muzzle loading superheavy guns (40cm).
    V. Slow = All breech loading superheavy guns and older breech loading heavy guns (33cm) with end-on loading.
    Slow = Breech loading heavy guns (33cm) with all-round loading. Breech loading medium-heavy guns (28-30cm) with end-on loading.
    Normal = Breech loading medium-heavy (28-30cm) guns with all-round loading. Heavy-medium guns (24cm) with end-on loading.
    Fast = Heavy-medium guns (24cm) with all-round loading.

    Table 5.
    No. of Guns QF Slow
    1 3 1
    2 4 2
    3 5 3
    4 6 4
    5 6 6
    6+ 6 6
    As with Table 3, cross reference the number of guns with the approximate ROF of that gun type.

  • Torpedo Rating: Use Table 6 to establish the vessel's torpedo rating by cross referencing its speed with the maximum number of torpedo tubes available in any one salvo. This means that a vessel with four torpedo tubes which has only one on any one side (port, starboard, bow, stern) will still count as a 1, not a 2+.
    Table 6.
    Ship's Speed Number of Torpedoes
    1 2+
    40 - 60 1 2
    80 2 3
    100 3 4

  • Speed: Establish the vessel's speed rating using the speed of the real life ship as the basis for the QF game speed.
    Table 7a.
    Actual Ship's Speed QF Ship's Speed
    8 - 13 knots 1.6" 40mm
    14 - 19 knots 2.5" 60mm
    20 - 25 knots 3.2" 80mm
    26+ knots 4" 100mm
    Table 7b.
    Ship's Speed Profiles - 60mm
    60 30
    53 23
    45 15
    38 8

  • Repair Dice: Cross index the closest matching vessel size in thousands of tons with the closest matching crew size in order to establish the number of repair dice. Some cases may require a bit of a judgement call, in which other factors such as age of the vessel may be considered.
    Table 8.
    Vessel Size (tons) Crew Size
    100 300 500 700
    15,000+ - - 6 7
    10,000 - 4 5 6
    5,000 - 3 4 5
    3,000 - 2 3 4
    <1,000 1 1 2 -
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