Artillery Battery Frontage
New users of Republique will notice that the recommended artillery bases have a narrower frontage than is usual. Many rule systems size their artillery battery bases according to the historical standard or maximum distances recommended between individual guns in artillery batteries (or intervals recommended in army instructions). In action however, individual artillery pieces could be positioned closer together. This might include guns placed in built-up positions such as redoubts and fleches, or in towns where the guns might be parked in positions commanding narrow streets or enfilade views. Given the right mission, it was entirely feasible to pack guns closer together than a typical open field deployment. For Republique grand-tactical game play it seemed handier to mount guns on narrow bases - which still let them deploy at common battery spacings - than to mount them on standard wide bases and then have to exaggerate battlefield features for them to fit into necessarily tight places.
Above: A scene from the Borodino panorama, showing French artillery deployed on a narrow frontage.