The War Times Journal Home Page


0.0 Contents:
1 Introduction:
Scales, Equipment, Units, Formations, Battlefield, Start a Game, Turn Sequence
2 Command:
Chain of Command, Leaders, Morale & Rally
3 Maneuver:
Movement, Maneuver Systems, Maneuvering, Forced Move, Movement Modifiers, Special Rules, Terrain Effects
4 Artillery & Skirmishing:
Skirmishers, Artillery Fire, Column Modifiers, Die Modifiers, Targets, Results,Hors de Combat & Panic,
5 Assault:
Assault Procedure, Special Rules, Assault Tables, Modifiers, Results, Death & Disorder,
6 Panic Test:
Panic Procedure, When to Test, Modifiers

« Republic 1.0
Updated May 16, 2024. Beta Test Edition.

Republic was designed to recreate battles of the American Civil War with the best combination of play time and convincing results. In order to achieve this in a reasonable time, we have streamlined the warfighting perspective to that of a corps or army commander. There are no volley fire calculations; all brigade level combat is covered in general assault rounds which are driven to full resolution each turn. Skirmish fire has been abstracted to reflect its effects, while still being depicted on the board as status markers which look like skirmishers. Artillery fire has been calibrated to give the most accurate possible final battle results, while not taking too much game time for resolution. Ultimately, the goal is completion of a large Civil War battle by a medium size gaming club in a full day of game play. For convention play and other places with space, player or time limits, more modest sized battles of the period would probably be a good fit. For those who crave even greater historical detail, numerous advanced rules are also available.

« 1.1 Scale
Infantry bases represent 275 men each, cavalry bases represent 150 men each, artillery bases represent 10 guns each. For game play, Republic artillery bases are still referred to as batteries even though tactical-level artillery batteries of this period employed fewer guns. Each full turn represents approximately 40 minutes of battle time. The game can be played with any size of miniatures at four different ground scale ranges.

« 1.2 Equipment
All game play is conducted using ten-sided dice with the number range on the dice representing the numbers one through ten (1 - 10). The abbreviation for a ten-sided die is 1D10. A standard (imperial) tape measure and firing arc are also needed for measuring and targeting. The most important equipment are the many miniatures and markers you will want to fight battles:

Morale Markers - A common feature of many wargames are death caps, which are used by most rules to indicate losses on multi-figure bases. In Republic, these same caps can be used to indicate morale hits suffered by a formation. The caps should be colored yellow, red and black in order to indicate rattled, shaken and demoralized morale conditions respectively. Better markers for the battlefield are small 3/8" wooden cubes sold at hobby stores. They are easily painted and have a clean look for placement next to units.

Marker Bases - Units wishing to execute special formations will need marker bases to indicate those actions. The marker bases most needed for game play are skirmish markers (see below). Other markers also useful for game play include:

Leader Marker - Every divisional, corps and army level officer (leader) in the game's order-of-battle should be represented on the battlefield. This is typically done using the mounted general figures that are part of every line of wargaming figures. The officers should be mounted on single-horse bases in order to allow them to fit in amongst the various bases in their command. These bases are interchangeably referred to as leaders, officers, commander or generals.
Skirmish Marker - Skirmish markers are used to depict skirmishers who have deployed out of their parent unit. Unlike the other markers noted below, skirmish markers represent an extension of their parent unit's combat capacity, and the skirmish markers themselves may conduct attacks that affect the morale of enemy units. The best way to create a skirmish base is by mounting a single light infantry figure on a small, square base (see base sizes below).
Saved Fire Marker - A saved artillery fire marker can easily be made by gluing together a small stack of four BBs (small metal balls) on a small, round base and then painting them black.
Panic 4 Marker - Once any unit in a division has suffered a level four panic event, place a P4 marker next to the division commander's base to show that a divisional panic die roll must be done at the end of the turn. The best way to create a P4 marker is to draw a "P4" on a 3/8" natural wood block (same size as the morale marker blocks).

Combat Bases - Combat bases make up the units used for game play, including infantry, cavalry and artillery formations. Most wargame figures will be glued directly to the bases, which should be cut from thin sheets of wood or metal. The figure scales most commonly used for Civil War wargaming are 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 18mm and 28mm, although other scales such as 3mm, 20mm, 25mm and larger are also widely used.

For game play purposes, unit composition is controlled by the number of combat bases, not the number of figures. This allows players to mount any number of miniatures they wish on their combat bases. Each base should also be marked on the upper rear or bottom with the name or number of the unit they represent. Brigades will commonly be named after the brigade commander, which can be abbreviated if the base top has limited space (Example: "Walker" could be shortened to "Wa"). Cavalry brigades may also use the name of the brigade commander or senior regiment in the brigade. Artillery batteries can be marked with their size and type (HR, HSb or LSb).

Each infantry or cavalry combat base is removed from play after one base hit (B). An artillery base (battery) may sustain multiple base hits, with each hit negatively affecting the battery's ability to move, rally and inflict damage.

Artillery Bases - The base frontage for artillery batteries in Republic represents a fairly packed gun deployment. Such packed deployments could occur from time to time; when guns were placed behind earthworks, in towns or in tight terrain. Or, just when a commander needed lots of artillery fire put onto a narrow target. It is something you will want the option of doing, but, such packed frontages were a risk. The recommended spacing between guns was double that indicated by the bases. So for game play, only artillery bases placed at double frontages (positioned with open gaps to either side) are considered normal targets. If positioned closer than that to adjoining batteries or combat bases, the batteries in question are considered packed batteries and suffer double any effects of enemy fire.

Below is a list of possible base sizes for each of the common scales, however most any standard rectangular bases will work. Republic uses the Fire & Fury basing standard, so any players using that system will find translation over to this system fairly easy, although they will have some leftover bases due to Republic's slightly more grand-tactical format.

Gaming Scales »  Small, 3mm-6mm
(1" = 109 yards)
Medium, 12-18mm
(1" = 82 yards)
Large, 28mm
(1" = 55yards)
Scale Ratios »  0.75 1.00 1.50
Measuring Systems »  Metric (mm) Imperial (inches) Metric (mm) Imperial (inches) Metric (mm) Imperial (inches)
Infantry bases: 20 x 13 0.750 x 0.500 25 x 22 1.000 x 0.875 40 x 30 1.500 x 1.250
Cavalry bases, mounted: 20 x 20 0.750 x 0.750 25 x 30 1.000 x 1.125 40 x 50 1.500 x 2.000
Cavalry bases, dismounted: 20 x 13 0.750 x 0.500 25 x 22 1.000 x 0.875 40 x 30 1.500 x 1.250
Artillery bases: 20 x 25 0.750 x 1.000 25 x 40 1.000 x 1.500 40 x 75 1.500 x 3.000
Artillery Limber markers: 20 x 20 0.750 x 0.750 25 x 25 1.000 x 1.000 40 x 40 1.500 x 1.500
Leaders: 13 x 20 0.500 x 0.750 25 x 30 1.000 x 1.500 30 x 50 1.250 x 2.000
Skirmisher markers: 13 x 13 0.500 x 0.500 16 x 16 0.625 x 0.625 25 x 25 1.000 x 1.000
Gaming Scales refers to the name and associated ground scale for each scale category. Scale Ratios are multipliers that players may refer to for conversions. These ratios are necessary because the main rules text is written for the 15mm scale. Players wishing to interpret distance-related rulings for the other scales will need to multiply the distances quoted in the rules by the scale ratios shown above. The base sizes associated with each scale group are not absolute, and players may combine scales and bases for varying effects. An extreme example would be the use of numerous 6mm figures  on the base family listed in the 28mm column, which would give a "big view" battle perspective.

« 1.3 Units
Each unit in Republic is made up of combat bases which make up its total strength and depict that formation's deployment area. The different branches of service have varying methods of deployment as explained below:

Infantry - The standard infantry formation is the brigade. Most infantry brigades may deploy their own screens of light infantry using skirmish markers. For additional information see the movement section, troop lists and advanced rules.

Cavalry - The standard cavalry formation is the brigade. Cavalry brigades may fight mounted, or they may wholly or partially dismount and fight on foot like infantry. All effects of being mounted or dismounted are factored into the rules, there is no need to show horse holders or other supporting elements. Dismounted cavalry troops represent roughly half of the number of troops present in a regular infantry base, so cavalry bases should have comparatively fewer figures on them. For cavalry units/bases that are dismounting, simply replace the mounted cavalry base with the corresponding dismounted base aligned on the same front. See the movement section's special cavalry rules for guidance on mounting and dismounting.

Artillery - Heavy rifled artillery batteries represent cannon like 20-pound parrotts or 4.5" siege rifles. Medium rifled artillery batteries represent cannon like 10-pound parrotts or 3" Ordnance Rifles and their supporting howitzers (if any). Medium smoothbore artillery batteries represent 12-pound Napoleon cannons and their supporting howitzers (if any). Light smoothbore batteries represent 6-pound smoothbore cannons and their supporting howitzers. Artillery bases in Republic represent fairly packed batteries (minimum space between cannon), which is why there are no fire modifiers downgrading counter-battery effects. See the Formations section below for more information about artillery spacing and deployment. A base hit against an artillery base causes the battery to be marked as damaged. Batteries can sustain multiple base hits, although after several such hits they become functionally useless for combat.

Figure 1.
Major brigade and battery level deployments. Note that the lines and columns typically thought of as the norm for battalions and regiments are not used here. They exist within the brigade deployment zones and take place below the command levels covered in Republic.
Click on the image for a full size view.

« 1.4 Formations
Each group of bases representing a brigade's deployment area are placed into specific Formations. The words "line" and "column" are only used to distinguish between shallow and deep unit dispositions, not to infer the formations of individual battalions or squadrons making up the brigades. Regardless of the brigade formation, the sub-units that make them up are assumed to be in formations controlled and ordered by local commanders.

Formation Types - Clicking on the thumbnail at left will show the main types of grand-tactical formations available for game play and how they relate to the direction of movement (note movement arrows for reference). The essential brigade level formations are Single Line, Two Line and Three Line deployments, referring to how many bases deep each one is. There is also a Brigade Column deployment, with the combat bases in single file facing the same direction. All of these formations are considered to be close order and have the combat bases touching (base-to-base contact). A brigade may also deploy into a Road Column, which operates as a very deep brigade column with one-base spacing between the bases. Even though the a road column's bases are spaced apart, the formation is still considered to be in close order for purposes of artillery targeting, etc..

In the center of the figure are the two main ways to deploy artillery batteries: normal and packed. Normal deployment has each artillery base occupy double its frontage, Packed deployment happens when the bases are closer together than double frontage (any closer together than double frontage counts as packed). Note that at normal frontage, a battery maintains an open space to both sides.

Open Order - Also shown in Figure 1 is open order, which spreads the troops over a wider area. A brigade using open order must be trained (Green grade or better) and must space its combat bases at one-base intervals (e.g. - double normal frontage). While in open order, a brigade may deploy one skirmish marker per combat base. If involved in an assault against enemy infantry or cavalry which is in close order (all bases touching), the open order unit automatically counts as disadvantaged, see the assault section special rules for more information.

Skirmish Markers - In the formation diagram is an example of two skirmish markers deployed to the front of the single line. These markers are used to indicate skirmish troops which have been thrown forward by their parent units. See the Maneuver section for more about allowed distance between skirmish markers and their parent formations. Not all units are able to deploy skirmishers, and players should consult the troop lists for more information on each nation's particular skirmishing abilities or lack thereof.

Changing Formation - Units may change between brigade formation types. For example, a brigade formed as a single line may change to a double line, or a unit in road column may change to a three-line deployment. If a unit changes formations twice in one movement phase, each change counts as separate and reduces available movement accordingly (i.e. - two movement penalties instead of one). The deployment or recall of skirmish markers is not considered a formation change. Skirmish markers can also be referred to as skirmishers. See the Maneuver Systems and Movement Modifiers sections below for more information about the limits and movement costs of formation changing.

Example Battalion Deployments
Click to Enlarge
These example deployments show the many different ways that infantry battalions might be formed within the deployment zones covered by a brigade's combat bases. The grey rectangles in the figure are the footprints of hypothetical combat bases, the blue lines are example battalions. This is for demonstration only, players have no control over the battalions inside of a brigade, which are considered under local command.

Higher Formations - The brigades discussed so far will usually be grouped into divisions for game play. These divisions will in turn be grouped into larger corps and armies or simply overseen by an overall commander. For a continuation of these next levels of battlefield organization see the Command section of the rules and the various troops lists posted on the main Republique page.

« 1.5 The Battlefield
For game play, the rules consider a few basic types of terrain including normal (open ground), woods, towns, streams or rivers, roads and marshland, some of which may or may not affect movement and combat. There are many different ways to show battlefield terrain including plateau-shaped hill segments, scale trees and buildings. We do recommend laying out footprints made from gaming mat material or other gaming terrain to outline the extent of built-up and wooded areas to make game play clearer. Republic is grand-tactical, so a building actually represents a town block. Troops inside these areas are not in a single building, but actually in a general built-up area which may include anything from fence-lines, plots of land and taverns to churches, cemeteries and government buildings. Consult the Terrain Table below for the game-specific characteristics of various terrain types, which includes most common features that are not obviously impassable like lakes or the ocean. Section 3.4 Movement Modifiers describes the specific game board effects that terrain has on movement. The Artillery and Assault sections include descriptions of terrain effects on combat.

« 1.6 Starting a Game
Set-up Guide - See the separate Set-up Guide for extra details that help with setting up and arranging the scale battlefield and general gaming area. The guide also gives optional steps that add historical variety to a battle. Otherwise, the main rules presume that players know how to setup a miniature wargaming battlefield for game play.

Place troops - Players may simultaneously place their troops on the board, or they may draw a map and record starting positions before placing troops accordingly. The second method provides for more surprises and a hint of fog-of-war, especially in cases where opposing units start the game in close proximity. Another option is to take an overhead iPad/tablet photo and then use the Photo Edit function's pen markers to draw formation locations directly on the photo (or other tablet).

Turn Sequence - Each game turn sequence is split into two player turns during which each side alternately acts as the attacker. In order to establish the initial player turn cycle, each side rolls one die (unless one side is the obvious attacker, as agreed upon unanimously by both sides). The high roller may decide which player becomes the first attacker, and the game begins with the first player turn. Players then alternate turns as attackers throughout the rest of the game, with each pair of player turns representing one game turn. Each game turn sequence represents approximately 40 minutes of combat time.

« 1.7 Turn Sequence
Command Phase - At the start of every player turn each defending player may immediately send one written or text message to each friendly player. Next, the attacking side will attempt to rally all units under their respective commands which have morale hits. The attacking players may move leaders up to 2" during the rally step in order to place them near units under their command in need of rally support. The last step in the Command phase is to replace lost (hors de combat) leaders with a new leader figure per section 2.5.

Defenders exchange messages
Attacker attempts to rally units (Leaders may move 2")
Attacker replaces hors de combat leaders
Attacker Maneuver (attacker function only)
Attacker moves units
Artillery & Skirmish Fire
Both sides conduct simultaneous skirmish function (block & attack)
Both sides conduct simultaneous artillery fire
Both sides check for leader casualties (hors de combat)
Demoralized panic test (if any demoralized units suffered P4 hits)
Resolve all assaults
Both sides check for leader casualties (hors de combat)
Attacker applies charge disorder
Conduct divisional panic tests (internal panic).
Conduct inter-divisional panic tests (adjoining panic).

Maneuver Phase - Attacking units may move according to their respective movement limits.
Artillery/Skirmish Fire Phase - Both sides start by conducting simultaneous skirmish actions per section 4.1. After all skirmish fire is conducted, resolve all artillery fire and assign resulting hits as required. All skirmish fire and artillery fire is considered simultaneous. Finish the phase by checking for leader casualties (hors de combat) and panic tests per section 4.7, as needed.
Assault Phase - Resolve all assaults per section 5.0 until all formations are beyond all-out assault contact range to the front of the attacking units. Check for leader hors de combat and apply charge disorder if necessary.
Panic Phase - Check first for division panic per section 6, then check for interdivisional panic. Conduct all involuntary moves before ending the player turn. Proceed to next player turn.

« 2.1 Chain of Command
Republic uses a very simple corps/divisional command system. Every infantry or cavalry brigade and associated artillery batteries must have a divisional leader in charge of it, and every divisional leader is controlled by someone who issues his orders (usually a human player acting as the corps commander). Even in the rare case of units without any official divisional commander, a leader who fulfills the role of a divisional leader and who is considered such for game play purposes should be assigned (or the unit re-assigned to a division).

In Republic, human player corps commanders move all of the units in the divisions under their control and may reassign corps assets as they see fit. Independent army level divisions are controlled by army commanders in the same manner that divisions of a corps are controlled by a corps commanders.

How this all plays out using human players is up to the participating gamers. The most common scheme is to have one human player in charge of each corps, and the various human corps commanders communicate with each other using written messages (or talk in person if their board-level leader figures are in base-to-base contact). Players may, or may not agree that one person on their side is the commander-in-chief who issues written or verbal orders to his fellow players. In some cases, a single human player may be controlling several corps and independent divisions. In those cases, he will be moving all of the divisions in his chain-of-command and he simply has to make sure that the associated corps and army level leader figures are correctly positioned on the battlefield for best maneuver, assault and rally results.

Human Players and Written Messages
Corps or army level players (and for small battles, maybe even divisional level players) whose on-the-board command figures are not in base-to-base contact with each other are not allowed to discuss the battle or exchange verbal orders/messages with each other during the game. This includes not using obvious body language such as pointing at units they want the other person to move, etc.. Instead, each player may send without delay, one hand-written or texted message to each other player on their side, once per game turn at the start of the opposing player's player turn. If a single player is in charge of several corps, he is not required to send messages to himself, the written message system is meant purely as a control over verbal contact between several players on the same side.

« 2.2 Leaders
Leader figures can benefit units under their command by using a numbered rating to boost unit assault performance and by helping with rallying. Each leader also falls in to one of three classes that affect how quickly they might react on the battlefield. Each leader's resulting value will be an alpha-numeric with the class first and the rating second. For example, Robert E. Lee would be an E4 (Energetic-Four) whereas General Banks would be a C0 (Cautious-Zero).

Leader ratings - Ratings are numbered from a minimum of minus one (-1) to a maximum of four (4). For use in rallying, the ratings become steadily less effective at longer distances, as measured in 4" increments. See the Rally Modifiers section for more information. Below is an outline of leader ratings and their game related effects:

"-1" leaders - A "Minus One" leader is either widely despised or dangerously inexperienced, and is probably viewed by the troops as someone who is going to get them killed. His presence hurts more than it helps, and he is probably in his position because he is either politically connected, or a leader early in the war whose liabilities have not yet been realized. Minus-one rated leaders only inflict their leader modifier on units under their direct command.
"0" leaders - A "Zero" leader is an average officer. He serves as a conduit for the transmission of orders so that his divisions and other formations can function, and his personal commitment and/or rapport with his troops is at a level that is expected for the circumstances - middle of the bell curve.
"1" leaders - A "One" leader is a cut above the rest and probably belonged to the top half of his class (if he attended one). Class one leaders only give their leader bonuses to units under their command.
"2" leaders - A "Two" leader displays excellent abilities and is probably being groomed for higher positions. Class two leaders only give all of their leader bonuses to units under their command, they may also apply their rally bonus to units in adjoining formations of the same corps.
"3" leaders - A "Three" leader is at the very top of the command chain due to some combination of intelligence and personality. He represents the cream of the crop of the officer corps, with an effective combination of ability, management technique and bravery. Class three commanders can give their rally bonus to all units of the same side, regardless of chain of command.
"4" leaders - A "Four" leader is a famous and extremely popular commander. They are rare and should only be assigned to very special cases.

Leader classes - Are described as Energetic (E), Proficient (P) and Cautious (C). The leader's class affects how readily he is able to change formation movement and maneuvering during battle. See the Leader Ratings page for a list of generally known leaders of the period and what their classes and ratings are. Leader class can affect assaults and maneuvering die roll results.

«2.3 Morale and Rallying
Morale Conditions - During the game, units can suffer Morale Hits which degrade their effectiveness and increase the chances that they will attempt to spontaneously withdraw. The ideal unit condition is Formed, which represents a unit fully under the control of its officers and able to perform as ordered. Formed units have no morale hits. If one morale hit is suffered, the unit becomes Unformed. If the unit has not rallied when another morale hit is inflicted, it will become Rattled. If another morale hit is suffered, the unit becomesShaken, etc.. Units can recover from morale hits by rallying, but they may also suffer more than one morale hit at once. Shown below are the possible morale conditions and their associated restrictions.

Formed - Unit behaves normally.
Unformed - Unit may not change formation.
Rattled - Unit may not change formation or deploy skirmishers. Infantry will not assault artillery.
Shaken - Unit may not change formation or deploy skirmishers. Infantry will not assault or advance on cavalry or artillery. Cavalry will not assault artillery. Artillery will not move or prolong toward an enemy.
Demoralized - Unit may not change formation, deploy skirmishers or unlimber and will not voluntarily advance toward any enemies. Unlimbered artillery is silenced. It may limber, but only to move away from enemy units.Unit will suffer one panic hit for each additional morale hit inflicted upon it by skirmishers and/or artillery

Troop Grades - Every unit on the board will have a Troop Grade which reflects its level of training and experience. The Units and Formations lists include common troop grade values for the best known formations along with notes about their use for game play. Shown below is a list of available troop grades:

Crack - These troops have the best combination of training and experience. Unlike many others, they know close-order drill with precision and are highly experienced with their weapons, whether those be rifled muskets or their fists.
Veteran - These troops have some warfighting experience or have been very well drilled and trained. Either way, they will tend to get the job done.
Green - These are men who have seen little or no action. They have received a full round of training including close order drill, but under stress they might still freak-out.
Untrained - These are men who have joined the cause but have received almost no training, except possibly some minor drill. Most of them have probably never loaded and fired a rifled musket, even at practice. They may have been issued their first ammunition (ever) this morning.
Rallying - During the rally step of every command phase, the attacking players must attempt to rally all of their units that have one or more morale hits. To make a rally attempt, follow the sequence listed below for each rallying unit:
  1. Take note of the rally table number that matches the current condition of your unit. To do this, cross reference the troop grade and morale status, this is your old rally number.
  2. Roll 1D10 and modify the result using the die roll modifiers listed in the Rally Table on the combat chart. Apply the modified result – positive or negative – to the previously noted old rally number. The resulting value is your New Rally Number.
  3. Match the new rally number with the value on the corresponding rally table line to which it is equal-to or greater-than.
  4. The morale rating listed at the top of the matching column from step 3 is the unit's new morale status. Note that it is possible for a unit's morale to improve, get worse or remain the same.
Example 1: A rattled green unit which has suffered 25% casualties rolls 1D10 with a result of a 6. The 25% casualty level modifies the result downward by two points (-2), reducing it to a 4. That value is applied to the unit's starting value of 10 (the starting value for a green, rattled unit will always be a 10). This raises the unit's value to a 13, improving its morale level to unformed. If the die roll had been a 4, the modifying effect on the starting value would have been a +2 for a morale condition of 12, which would not have been enough to improve the unit's morale. If the die roll had been a 1, the modified effect would have been a -1. This would have reduced the morale condition to a 9, causing the unit to become shaken.

    Rally Die Roll Modifiers
  • Ea. leader rating point - If the brigade's divisional leader is still alive (not Hors de Combat), add his number rating as points to the rally die roll, regardless of the leader's distance. If the divisional leader has become Hors de Combat (presumed dead) and not yet been replaced, subtract his number rating as points from the rally die roll. Zero rated leaders obviously result in no modifier either way. If a corps or army leader within the unit's chain-of-command is within 4" of the unit, his rating may also be added. These ratings are cumulative and can add a considerable rally bonus of all their values combined.
  • Each 4" to divisional leader - Subtract one point from the rally roll for each 4" beyond 4" distant that the unit's divisional leader base is located, to a maximum of minus six points (-6). Calculation of the 4" increments is rounded down, so for example if the divisional commander is 9" away from the rallying brigade, that is a -2 distance modifier.
  • Percentage of unit lost - Subtract from the rally die roll the percentage amount that corresponds to the unit's current losses from base hits. Each damage to an artillery battery counts as having lost 20% of its strength.

Replacing Fallen leaders - When a leader is rendered hors de combat (out of action), the figure is moved to the rear of its respective command and flagged with a Hors de Combat marker. That leader base will remain out of action and unable to contribute to unit assault or morale results until the Replace Leaders step during the controlling player's next command phase as attacker, at which time base status is resolved as follows:

Divisional leader - The original figure is retained and resumes its original command at a one point reduction in rating from before, to a minimum value of zero (zero level divisional leaders do not become a negative value). Negative value leader replacements are a zero (which gives the troops something to hope for).

Army/Corps/Column leader - The figure is removed from game play. Its position is taken over by the highest rated leader available who is ranked next in chain of command. The rest of the chain of command below that level may also need adjusting, to the point that a fresh divisional command figure may need to be supplied from off-board to fill the gap.

There are two aspects to this phase: Movement and Maneuver. Movement is done by individual brigades as they march together toward a certain goal. Maneuver is the process by which the divisions (that are made up of brigades) achieve their orders. Orders in this sense being what the controlling player wants the division to do.

  Figure 3.
Oblique movement and wheeling. Note that the wheel is measured along the outside of the wheel movement.

« 3.1 Movement
Each of the major troop types used for game play have movement allowances which represent the total normal distances they are allowed to move during any one player turn. These allowances are shown in the Movement Box on the Combat Chart. Normal foot (infantry & foot artillery) and horse (cavalry & horse artillery) allowances are 10" and 18" respectively. Infantry and cavalry units may also use an assault (charge) movement bonus, any portion of which may be used during the course of a turn's maneuver phase. Artillery may not use the assault move bonus. Normal infantry and cavalry charge bonuses are 4" and 7" respectively. This extra movement allowance permits a unit to cover a greater distance during its turn, but use of any of the extra assault movement will also cause the unit to suffer one morale hit (1M) at the end of the turn. Players conducting assaults are advised to mark unit starting positions to more easily track remaining movement for breakthroughs and carrying positions (blank bases work best). Leader bases move at the speed of charging cavalry (25").

A unit's movement allowance is based on forward movement as measured from the front edge of its bases. Units may wheel (pivot) up to the limit of their movement, and may move obliquely (diagonally) up to 45 degrees from perpendicular (See figure at right). Reversing the facing direction of a unit once does not count as a formation change, additional changes of facing within the same movement phase do count as formation changes. All movement penalties are cumulative.

« 3.2 Maneuvering
In order to move and maneuver a brigade, the controlling player must roll 1D10 and consult the Maneuver table to see which actions are available to the brigade for the turn. The brigade's troop grade (untrained, green, veteran or crack) controls the basic odds for the test, and once rolled, the player may employ any combination of actions that the unit qualified for. Actions available to a brigade are:

Assault: This action allows a brigade to advance and also enter into General or All Out assault range contact with enemy formations. Units which do not roll high enough on the maneuver table to qualify for this, might be able to conduct other similar actions, but they may not voluntarily initiate assaults - at least not this turn.
Maneuver: A change in facing or direction of advance by more than 45 degrees is conducting a Maneuver. This is also required for a formation to refuse or advance a flank by more than 45 degrees, even if otherwise in a Hold status (except in cases of refusing a flank as part of a mandatory assault result).
Advance: Allows a brigade to move forward in the direction it is facing up to the limit of it's allowable movement, but without entering into assault range. An advancing unit may change the direction of its advance (i.e., maneuver) less than 45 degrees.
Hold: A brigade is on Hold if it is completely halted. Brigades holding their position may change formation (if able) or refuse a flank by up to 45 degrees, but must otherwise remain stationary. Hold is the default state available to brigades who otherwise do not pass for any other maneuver actions.
Pull back: Allows a brigade to move backwards while facing the enemy or front lines (not facing its direction of its movement). Brigades pulling back may not use the assault move bonus or conduct Maneuver related changes of direction.

Conducting Maneuver - Brigades only need to roll for a maneuver test if they will try to conduct an action other than Hold. To check for other available actions, use the maneuver table column that matches the brigade's troop grade and roll 1D10. Modify the die roll with the corresponding die roll modifiers that appear below the table (see below for modifier definitions). Any cross-indexed action value that the modified die roll number is equal to or greater than may be used this turn. For example, if a green unit's modified roll is a 3, it may advance, hold or pull back (or any combination of those) but it may not maneuver or assault.

    Maneuver Die Roll Modifiers
  • Multiple brigades acting together = Add a plus one (+1) to the die roll if one or more other friendly brigades within 2" of each other are conducting the same maneuver action.
  • Energetic division commander = Add a plus one (+1) on the die roll if the brigade's divisional commander has an Energetic rating.
  • Each proficient leader within 2" = Add a plus one (+1) on the die roll for each friendly proficient leader within 2". Leader does not have to be within the brigade's direct chain of command.
  • Each energetic leader within 2" = Add a plus two (+2) on the die roll for each friendly energetic leader within 2". Leader does not have to be within the brigade's direct chain of command.
  • Each morale hit = Subtract one (-1) for every morale hit currently on the brigade.
  • Cautious division commander = Subtract one (-1) off the die roll if the brigade's divisional commander has a Cautious rating.
  • Leader just replaced = Subtract three (-3) if the brigade's division leader was replaced at the beginning of the turn.

« 3.3 Forced Movement
Units required to move according to a combat action or result will do so regardless of their current turn status or movement allowance. These mandatory (forced) moves may occur during the following conditions:

Movement Phase: Skirmish marker evasion due to displacement by advancing enemy combat bases.
Artillery Phase: Due to morale hits on demoralized units auto-converting to panic hits.
Assault Phase: Movement required by assault results (panic hits) or divisional panic.

Forced retrograde movements such as rout, retreat and withdraw are not subject to terrain penalties or formation restrictions and will always be conducted out to the maximum distance required for that mandatory order. If the mandatory move cannot be executed without direct stacking of formations (two units sharing the same space) then the unit conducting the mandatory move must execute the next move option down the list (e.g. - A withdrawing unit stacked on another unit becomes a fall back in order to clear to the rear of that other unit).

Disengage = Move 6" away from enemy, facing enemy.
Withdraw = Move 8" away from enemy, facing enemy.
Fall Back = Move 10" away from enemy, facing enemy.
Retreat = Move 12" away from enemy, facing away from enemy.
Rout = Move 14" away from enemy, facing away from enemy.

Mandatory advances - usually the result of Assaults - may be conducted only to the limit of the moving unit's available movement remaining from that player turn's Maneuver Phase. Forced advances are in turn subject to cancellation by subsequent assault rounds which may change the assaulting unit's actions.

« 3.4 Movement Modifiers

  • Rough Movement = Any unit with any of its bases within rough terrain will pay double the normal movement cost. Double normal movement cost means that each centimeter of distance moved under rough conditions actually costs two centimeters of that unit's available movement allowance for that player turn (see Terrain Effects). Units changing formation in rough areas add 2" to their formation change cost.
  • Artillery in Rough = Artillery bases and other wheeled transport that are within rough terrain will pay double the normal rough movement cost, which is quadruple cost. This means that each centimeter of distance moved costs four centimeters of that unit's available movement allowance for the turn (see Terrain Effects). Artillery battery functions (limber, unlimber, etc.) are not affected by rough terrain.
  • Trained Formation Change = Any trained brigade (Green, Average, Veteran and Crack) subtract 1" from its total available movement for the turn each time it changes formation.
  • Each Battery Damage = Each artillery battery subtracts 25% from its total available movement for each base hit (damage) that it has suffered.
  • Untrained Formation Change = An untrained brigade subtracts 4" from its total available movement for the turn each time it changes formation.
  Figure 4.
Options for organizing brigade deployment areas on the battlefield, including advancing or refusing flanks and extending fronts.
Click on the image for a full size view.

«3.5 Special rules
Infantry Deployments: Flanks - Infantry brigades have numerous options for organizing their battlefield deployment. They may for example, refuse a flank (see Figure 4), which is done by angling end bases away from the front line. This has the effect of moving the brigade's flank and rear zones away from the enemy, thereby making it more difficult for an enemy to achieve an outflanking attack. A brigade may refuse its flank up to ninety-degrees (90°) with any number of bases. It may even refuse both flanks on the centerline, essentially putting the formation into an arrowhead shape. Using the same method, a brigade may advance a flank by angling bases forward (see Figure 4 at right). Note that refusing flanks may place parts of a brigade (and therefore the entire brigade) at risk of enfilading artillery fire. Other deployments such as Echelon can reduce a brigade's vulnerability to flank assaults and flanking artillery fire (flanking artillery fire may be denied the Deep Target modifier when firing against a brigade "en echelon").

Infantry Deployments: Extending Fronts - Infantry brigades may also extend their front by seeming to split into two groups that remain within one base-width of each other. The two halves must remain within one base width and may not break up into more than two groups. Both halves continue to be treated as one unit, and any assault involvement by one section automatically involves both sections. This option is usually exercised when a brigade is outnumbered and forced to cover extra frontage to avoid being outflanked. A friendly artillery battery may occupy the mid-brigade gap when extending, otherwise no other friendly formations may occupy the gap when extending.

Passage of Lines - Trained units (green, veteran, crack grades) may pass through other formations without penalty once during each move turn. If a second (or third) unit is passed through, the moving formation may not use its assault move bonus that turn. Untrained units passing through any other formation counts as rough movement for the moving unit.

Skirmishers - Trained brigades (Green or better grade) may deploy their maximum allowance of skirmish markers at any time during their movement phase. Skirmish markers must remain within 5" of their parent unit. They may not be placed in a position which puts enemy bases between them and their parent unit. In order to count as being in skirmish order, friendly skirmish markers must remain at least 2" away from each other (as measured between bases). Skirmish markers operating less than that distance but greater than one base width apart are considered Packed Skirmishers. Friendly skirmish marker bases may not operate at spacings less than one base width (one base width is minimum spacing).

Skirmish markers must always surrender their positions (i.e. - give ground) to close and open order enemy combat bases and if displaced have the following options:

Fighting Withdrawal: If displaced by enemy units which are not moving to initiate an assault against their parent unit, the skirmish markers are only required to withdraw until the enemy units have completed their move. If the enemy formation has its own screen of skirmish markers, the skirmishers for both sides shall take up positions facing each other approximately halfway between the opposing parent formations or - if the defending skirmishers are at edge of cover or other major terrain feature - the attacking skirmishers shall halt just short of the feature (e.g. - advancing skirmish markers may not force defending skirmish markers from edge of cover; only combat bases can do that).
Assault Actions: If displaced by enemy cavalry which is moving to initiate any type of assault against their parent unit, or an enemy infantry unit making an all-out assault against their parent unit, the skirmishers shall immediately move out of the way as much as is possible. They may flee to the flanks and attempt to maintain line-of-sight to enemy bases if possible. If displaced by enemy infantry units making a general assault, the skirmish markers may remain deployed between formations, subject to the same rules outlined above in Fighting Withdrawal.

Cavalry Reaction - Cavalry brigades may react to enemy units which advance to within 6" of their front (not flank or rear as defined by the Flank and Rear Examples in Assault modifiers) during an opposing player's Maneuver Phase. Reacting cavalry may dismount (if able) or begin moving as soon as enemy units approach to within line of sight or 6", whichever is less. Both sides then pro-rate their movement until the reacting cavalry and enemy formations have either completed their movement, contacted or approached within general or all-out assault range. Reacting cavalry may not change formation, but it may conduct retrograde movement (away from the enemy). Attacking players may not pre-measure distance from their units to enemy cavalry units in order to avoid cavalry reaction, the check for reaction may only occur when the defending cavalry owner declares the reaction distance check.

Cavalry Mounting & Dismounting - Mounted cavalry bases may dismount and operate as foot troops, and dismounted cavalry may remount and operate as mounted cavalry. Mounting or dismounting each counts as a standard formation change. To dismount, replace the mounted cavalry base with the dismounted cavalry base, as aligned with the former front of the mounted base being removed. To remount, reverse that process. Cavalry may mount or dismount at any point during their movement, although in the case of mid-move transitions, the movement may need to be pro-rated. In such a case, the formation change movement penalty counts against the dismounted state.

Artillery - There are two types of movement for artillery; Limbered and Prolong. Limbered artillery is horse drawn, with the guns unmanned and unable to fire. Prolong is unlimbered, manned cannon being manually dragged with ropes while in a fire ready condition. Guns which have been disconnected from their horse teams and manned in place (ready to fire) are called unlimbered. In order to accomplish both movement and firing during the game, each artillery battery may execute several specific functions during the course of a turn. The available functions are: Move, Unlimber, Fire, Prolong and Limber. Foot artillery may conduct two functions each turn, and horse artillery may conduct three functions. For example; a foot battery may move and unlimber during its movement phase but it may not fire on that turn's fire phase. If it were to unlimber in place (without moving), it could fire that turn. Batteries may not use the same function more than once each turn (i.e. - may not prolong twice during the same movement phase, etc.). Artillery which prolongs loses simultaneous fire privilege against enemy artillery, they suffer enemy artillery effects before they fire.

Artillery batteries posted at normal frontages affect unit pass through normally. Batteries posted at packed frontages block all movement through their position (e.g. - other infantry, cavalry and artillery units may not pass through a packed artillery battery).

Terrain Effects  
  Movement Cover Rating Spotting Depth¹
Penalty Assault Move Impassable to:
Terrain Features (penalty when within)
Light buildings (light stone, medium wood) - Foot only - 1 2"
Medium buildings (medium stone, heavy wood) Rough Foot only - 2 2"
Heavy buildings (heavy stone & masonry) Rough Foot only - 3 2"
Light forest, Orchard, Grove - Foot only - - 1"
Medium forest Rough N/A² - 1 1"
Heavy forest Double Rough N/A - 2 1"
Marshland Double Rough N/A Artillery - -
Vineyard Rough N/A Artillery 1 2"
Steep, rocky ground Rough N/A - 2 2"
Ford Double Rough N/A - - -
Obstacles (penalty to cross)
River bank, Cliff Impassable N/A Artillery, Horse - -
Stream bank, Ravine -3" N/A Artillery - -
Stone wall - Foot only Artillery, Horse 2 -
Entrenchment, Embankment - Foot only Artillery 3 -
Treeline -1" Foot only - 1 -
Hedge -1" N/A Artillery, Horse 1 -
¹ Spotting Depth is how far into that cover a unit can be spotted and attacked with skirmish or artillery fire.
² N/A means assault move bonus not allowed in or across terrain feature.

« 3.6 Terrain Effects
Battlefield terrain will frequently affect a unit's ability to move freely around the field of battle. The Terrain Effects section at right shows a list of common terrain features and their effects on movement. Units may conform their front line to local terrain such as hillside, edges of woods, blocks of buildings, streams, etc. By contrast, units in the open must maintain their linear deployments within the limits of the Formations section. When paying movement penalties for moving through rough terrain, a unit continues to pay that penalty so long as any portion of it remains within the terrain in question.

« 4.1 Skirmishers
Skirmish markers represent dispersed infantry and sharpshooters who screen against enemy skirmishers and try to spread disorder in enemy combat formations. Skirmish markers block line-of-sight for friendly artillery, and skirmish marker line-of-sight is blocked by all combat bases both friendly and enemy. Skirmish markers within woods or buildings may project their 5" engagement range through the terrain if they are not blocked by friendly combat bases or terrain effect restrictions.

Combat - Skirmishers for the attacking player attempt to shoot at and score M hits on enemy brigades. Skirmishers for the defending player attempt to block the attacking skirmishers from firing at defending units. This results in skirmish markers alternating between being the attacker and being the defender as the turns change. Use the Skirmishing table on the combat chart to resolve skirmish combat.

Defend (Block) - A defending skirmish marker may attempt to block the closest enemy skirmish marker that is within 5" of it. A blocked skirmish marker may not attack enemy combat bases that turn. To attempt a defensive block, declare the defending marker and which attacking marker it will try to block. Roll 1D10 and consult the Block column in the Skirmishing table. If the die roll number is equal to or greater than the number shown for the corresponding troop grade, the attacking marker is blocked. Defending players must declare all blocking attempts before rolling the dice. Multiple defending skirmish markers may attempt to block any one attacking skirmisher.
Attack - Attacking skirmish markers not blocked by defending enemy skirmishers may fire on enemy combat bases within 5". The attacking skirmish markers must have line-of-sight to their target and may attack once per turn by rolling a 1D10 and referring to the Skirmishing section of the combat chart for range limits and results. Each successful attack will score one M hit on the targeted defending unit. If the attacking skirmish marker is untrained or green and rolls a low number that matches the Flee column results, the marker is picked up (it flees back to the parent formation).

Skirmish bases cannot score M hits on other skirmish markers but may, if unblocked and in range, fire at the parent unit(s) from which the enemy skirmishers originate. All skirmish fire results take effect at the end of the artillery phase (e.g. - skirmish and artillery fire are considered simultaneous). Attacking skirmish fire effects are the same against both close and open order targets.

« 4.2 Artillery Fire
During each Artillery Fire step, artillery batteries for both sides may either fire on enemy units or announce that they are saving their fire which may give a firing bonus on later turns. A firing battery has an effective arc-of-fire totalling 60 degrees measured from the outer front edges of its base (a free firing arc is available on the Republique home page). In order to conduct artillery fire, repeat the following sequence for each battery or group of batteries:

Step 1: Cross index the range column on the fire chart that matches the target range, with the battery type (Heavy Rifle, Medium Smoothbore, etc.). The result showing in the cell is your basic effect.
Step 2: Apply the Range Column modifiers by moving the basic effect one cell to the right or to the left per modifier point.
Step 3: Roll 1D10 and add or subtract the applicable die roll modifiers.
Step 4: If the modified die roll is a 10 or greater, move the basic effect another two cells to the left. If the modified roll is a 9, move the basic effect one cell to the left. If the modified roll is a 2, move the basic effect one cell to the right, and if the modified roll is a 1 or less, move the basic effect two cells to the right. Note that in many cases you will already know if there are no column modifiers and you will go straight to the die roll. If the die result is a very "middle" number like 5 or 6, you can quickly deduce that the final effect is your original cross indexed value.

An artillery battery may only fire once each player turn (twice each game turn), although fire is not mandatory. Limbered batteries may not fire. Artillery may not fire through or over friendly units, including skirmishers. All standard artillery fire conducted during the Artillery Phase is considered simultaneous, and damage to batteries is applied at the end of the artillery phase. The exception is prolonged artillery, which loses simultaneous fire privilege against enemy artillery (see artillery movement).

Joint Battery Fire - Multiple artillery bases able to fire at the same target at the same range, may group their fire to gain a mass battery type effect, which increases the odds of scoring base hits against targets. Joint battery fire uses the same sequence as normal single-base artillery fire, with the added benefit of a "mass battery" modifier reserved only for joint battery fire use (see Artillery Modifiers below). The major difference is that the final modified result against the target is all the damage the unit will receive from the entire mass battery. Unlike regular single battery fire, the result shown is not from each base firing.

Artillery bases may downgrade their range or fire weight factors to participate in joint battery fire with other batteries. For example, if one base is within 8" of a target and three other bases are within 10" of the same target, the closer base may participate in the joint battery fire, effectively downgrading its firing range to gain the benefits of the joint battery fire. A base at longer range than the other three bases may not join (unless the other three bases want to downgrade their ranges to the longer range). Another example would be a heavy battery giving up its "H" weight in order to participate in joint battery fire with a group of medium artillery batteries.

Saving Fire - During the Artillery Fire segment, any stationary individual artillery battery may be announced as saving fire (mass battery blocks may not save fire). In order to save fire, the battery cannot have moved during the current player turn, may not fire during the current artillery phase and must remain completely stationary. Place a saved fire marker in front of the battery to represent its prepared status. The next time that the battery fires, move the range column left by one – per the table modifier – and remove the saved fire status. If a battery with saved fire moves in any way, the saved fire status is lost (this includes changing facing or prolonging). Each artillery battery may only accumulate a maximum of one saved fire marker at any one time. Saved fire markers may not be stockpiled or traded among batteries. Artillery which is out of command radius may not save fire. A battery with saved fire status receives a bonus if involved in an assault. Involvement in an assault causes all participating batteries to lose saved fire status. (See Tactical Bonuses in the Assault section). Batteries that are rattled or worse may not save fire and will lose saved fire status upon becoming rattled or worse (keeping in mind that all skirmish and artillery fire within a player turn phase is considered simultaneous).

«4.3 Artillery Range Column Modifiers:
The artillery range column modifiers move your base fire effect to the left (more effective) or right (less effective). Range column modifiers are all cumulative.

  • Deep Target - Move one range column to the left if: A) The battery's center of fire passes into or through three or more combat bases as measured from the leading edge of the target base to a depth of 4". The target bases do not need to belong to the same unit, but must all be in open terrain and within natural (unmodified) effective artillery range, and/or B) The targeted infantry unit is in square formation. The deep target modifier is cumulative, so a firing battery can stack passing through three bases with firing at square (also note that squares are considered enfilade targets - ouch). The deep target modifier is not applicable to targets in woods, buildings or on the far side of obstacles such as redoubts, heavy walls, swamps, ravines or rivers.

    Point Blank Fire - When firing on a target in the first or second range bracket (2" or 4"), the deep target modifier can only apply to the next range bracket out. For example: If the range to a target's front is 1½", the deep target modifier is only applied if the three base depth lines-up at less than 4" range, instead of extending to 5½".
  • Saved Fire - Move one range column to the left if the firing battery successfully maintained saved fire status to the beginning of the current artillery fire segment. Saved fire cannot be used by artillery using the Mass Battery bombardment table.
  • Joint Battery Fire (per base) - Move one range column to the left for each participating base in a joint battery firing group (mass battery).
  • At moving cavalry - Move one range column to the right if over half of the artillery target is made up of moving cavalry bases. To qualify as moving, the targeted cavalry formation must have moved more than half during their last move opportunity. If on their last move opportunity (including both regular move or breakthrough/overrun options) they did not move more than half of their available movement, they are considered stationary for purposes of artillery fire targeting.

Enfilade Fire
The artillery battery in this example is taking the targeted infantry brigade "In Enfilade." The battery is within the arc-of- fire being used as an enfilade indicator (the same angles apply to both enfilade exposure and artillery arc-of-fire). The target unit is facing forward (top of page) and presenting its flank to the artillery. Note the alignment (grey arrow) of the arc to that edge of the unit nearest the artillery battery (drawing not to scale).
  • At Medium or Heavy Cover - If half or more of a target unit is in medium or heavy cover, move one or two range columns to the right respectively (see defense classes under Assault). Also see the terrain section for details about spotting depths and cover.
    • If an artillery battery's center of fire is closest to the uncovered base(s) of an otherwise covered unit, the battery may fire without cover modifiers at the uncovered portions. In such cases where the cover modifiers are not applied against the battery, enemy bases still in cover may not receive base hits as a result of that fire.

« 4.4 Artillery Die Roll Modifiers:
Die roll modifiers are cumulative and may cancel each other out. For example, firing at packed skirmishers from enfilade will gain a +3 for enfilade but a -2 for firing at packed skirmishers). The modified die roll only affects the final artillery result if it is a 1, 2, 9 or 10.

  • Enfilade Fire - Add three points to a die roll for a battery firing in enfilade on any target bases. This applies to artillery battery targets (packed and normal spacing), infantry targets, cavalry targets, open order formations and packed skirmisher targets (fully deployed skirmishers cannot be fired on by artillery). This means that a packed artillery battery taken in enfilade with suffer both the results of the enfilade bonus on the attacker's die roll, plus the double effect result from being a packed artillery battery. Applies even if only portions (i.e., individual bases) of a brigade offer an enfilade target.
  • Each battery M and B hit - Artillery batteries which begin the artillery fire step with morale and/or base hits will subtract one point (-1) from the die roll for each hit (e.g. - a shaken battery with one base hit suffers a -4 die roll modifier).
  • At packed skirmishers - Subtract two points (-2) from the die roll if the artillery targets are skirmish markers that are spaced closer than 2" apart, as measured between base edges.
  • At open order - Subtract two points (-2) from the die roll if the battery is firing at an open order target.
  • Passing Fire - Subtract two points (-2) from the die roll if the artillery is conducting passing fire during the enemy movement phase.

« 4.5 Targets
Main Targets - Each artillery battery must fire at the unit which is; 1) the closest infantry/cavalry or artillery threat, i.e. - the closest combat base(s) occupying the closest artillery range bracket to the battery (infantry and cavalry targets take priority over artillery targets) and; 2) closest to the battery's Center of Fire. Different artillery bases may only converge their fire onto one unit if these rules are not violated as a result or if a massed battery is firing (measure from the centerline of each four-base mass battery group to establish main target).

Secondary Targets - Secondary targets are units which suffer collateral damage due to their close proximity to main targets. There are two types of secondary targets: tandem and adjacent. Tandem secondary targets may suffer damage both in place of, and in addition to the main target. Adjacent secondary targets only suffer damage in place of the main target. If both types of secondary targets are near a main target, an adjacent target will only suffer hits if both main and tandem targets are eliminated.

Tandem Target: A tandem secondary target is any unit which is within the attacking battery's firing zone and within 3" of the main target's front. Tandem secondary targets must also be in open terrain. Secondary tandem targets always suffer half the number of morale hits as the main target in addition to the main target's morale hits. They also share approximately one-third of the total base hits rolled on the artillery fire chart, always rounding down. If all bases in the main target are killed, the unit in the tandem target position closest to attacking battery center-line will suffer the balance of the required base hits (if any).
Adjacent Target: An adjacent secondary target is any unit within the firing battery's firing zone which is next to, and within the same range bracket as, the main target. If all the bases in the main target unit are destroyed as a result of one die roll and there are no tandem targets, the adjacent secondary target closest to attacking battery center-line will suffer the balance of the required base hits and morale hits not absorbed by the original main target.

Compound Targets - If different unit types are targeted as a result of either the Deep target or Secondary target rules, use the modifiers most favorable to the battery. Enemy artillery batteries which are positioned within 1" of each other may be treated as single compound targets for purposes of artillery fire.

Firing zone - A battery's firing zone is a cone-shaped area beginning at an artillery battery's front through which battery fire is directed at targets. The firing zone is tapered outward 10° and may be swung throughout a battery's 60° degree arc-of-fire. It must be free of friendly combat bases (or any parts thereof) and markers in order for the battery to be able to fire. The firing zone should not be confused with the arc-of-fire, which is the stationary zone representing a battery's available firing arc.

Arc of Fire - A battery's arc of fire is a cone-shaped area beginning at an artillery battery's front through which the battery's firing zone may be swung in order to establish whether a potential target can be fired upon. The arc-of-fire itself is tapered outward 60° and is locked in a stationary position onto the battery front – it may not be moved or swung into different positions in order to bring potential targets into the arc. Half or more of one of a formations bases must lie within a battery's arc-of-fire in order to quality as a valid target. The outer edges of the arc-of-fire are marked "60° Maximum Arc" as emphasis of the limits on the battery's effective field of fire.

Line of Sight - A battery must have direct line-of-sight to its target, it may not conduct indirect fire over obstacles, friendly units or enemy units. Friendly units block light of sight for artillery. See the terrain effects table for limits on spotting units located within blocking features such as towns or forests. All of a mass battery's individual bases must have a clear line of sight to at least one full base belonging to the targeted formation.

Passing Fire - Artillery may conduct Passing Fire at any enemy unit about to move out of the firing battery's arc-of-fire (i.e., applies to artillery fire conducted during the opposing player's movement phase). This applies to units passing completely through the arc-of-fire or to units which were already within the firing arc at the start of movement. Batteries saving fire may use passing fire with their Saved Fire modifier applied. Those batteries which conduct passing fire may not fire during that turn's artillery phase, and they do not receive saved fire as a result of that missed phase.

Skirmisher Targets - Artillery may not fire on fully deployed skirmish markers (markers with at least 2" between bases). If fully deployed skirmishers are between an enemy battery and its target, they do not mask or protect the target. Artillery may fire on packed skirmish markers. If a skirmish marker itself is targeted (while "packed") and hits scored, the M hits are passed directly to the parent formation who will continue to sustain the skirmish marker screen. Each B hit on a skirmish marker causes the Type rating for the skirmishers from that unit to go down one level. For example, a unit with Veteran skirmishers who suffers a B hit on one of its skirmish markers results in skirmishers for that unit dropping to Green level.

Secondary Targets - At left are examples of both the tandem and adjacent secondary target rules. The front edges of all example target units are within the same range bracket, and unit A is the main target, with the artillery center of fire passing through it. Unit B is a potential adjacent secondary target, and unit C, whose front is – for this example – within 2" of the front of Unit A, is a potential tandem secondary target. If unit A suffers either two or three morale hits, then unit C will suffer one morale hit. If unit A suffers four morale hits, then unit C will suffer two morale hits. If unit A suffers three base hits, then it will be destroyed, and the unassigned base hit will "carry over" to unit C, causing it to lose one base. If units A and C were composed of only one base each and the same loses were suffered, their two bases would be removed, along with one base from unit B, which is positioned next to unit A and within the frontage zone of the firing battery.

« 4.6 Artillery Fire Results
Target units can suffer Morale (M) hits and/or base (B) hits as a result of artillery fire. Assign hits according to the target rules. Demoralized combat units which receive M hits as a result of artillery fire will receive one Panic (P) hit for each extra hit type suffered beyond demoralization. This includes units already demoralized at the start of the artillery phase and units which become demoralized during the phase. Any panic hits inflicted are still active for purposes of division panic even if B hits completely destroy the unit in question. As noted above under Skirmish Targets, skirmish markers which suffer M hits will pass those hits on to their parent unit and B hits due to artillery degrade quality of the unit's skirmish type.

Example: A rattled unit which suffers three M and one B hit will become demoralized with one P hit added (due to the "extra" M hit beyond demoralized). If the same unit started the artillery phase already demoralized, it would suffer three P hits - basically all M hits would convert to P hits at that point.
Packed Artillery Target - Artillery fire hits against packed artillery bases are all doubled; a 1M hit converts to a 2M hit, etc. This happens in addition to any modifiers (enfilade, etc.) which had affected the original result calculation.

«4.7 Hors de Combat and Panic
Conduct the following tests – as required – after all skirmish actions and artillery fire has been resolved. Because these tests can end up being conducted twice during the player turn (once at the end of Artillery and one at the end of Assault, as required), some rules noted below technically apply to the Assault section.

Hors de Combat - Check for leader loss (hors de combat); roll 2D10 for each leader who was within 4" of any unit that suffered base hits during the phase in question. If a die roll is doubles (two of the same number) reference the Hors de Combat table on the combat chart to see whether the result is a casualty. Failure to roll doubles is No Effect, he lives to fight another 40 minutes.

All die roll modifiers affect the individual doubles numbers; for example if a player rolls a 5-5 for their leader who was near a brigade that lost two bases, the 5-5 becomes a 7-7 because of the +2. If a player does not roll doubles, the modifiers do not come into use because non-double rolls cannot result in leader casualties. Checking for leader loss is the only time in Republique when 2D10 are rolled to gain a result.

    Hors de Combat Die Roll Modifiers:
  • Each base hit (B) within 4"- Add one (+1) to the hors de combat die roll for each friendly unit within 4" which suffered base hits. The modifier is cumulative; add one point per base hit within range. Applicable during both the Artillery and Assault phases.
  • Enemy skirmish marker within 4" - Add one (+1) to the hors de combat die roll if one or more enemy skirmish markers are within 4" of the leader base. This modifier is not cumulative. Intervening combat bases do not screen leader bases from skirmishers. Applicable during both the Artillery and Assault phases.

Leaders rendered hors de combat are moved to the rear of their respective command and flagged with a Hors de Combat marker. The leader (command) base will remain out of action until the loss is resolved during the controlling player's next Replace Lost Leader step.

Panic Hits - Execute all involuntary movements as a result of panic hits which occurred due to excess morale hits on demoralized units. As with other panic hits suffered outside of the assault phase, any base hits suffered in case of a Panic 4 event count as deserters and are immediately removed. Do not check for divisional or inter-division panic at this time. For pending assaults in which all targeted defending brigades route, retreat and otherwise disengage, the attacking brigades may automatically carry the position.

« 5.1 Assault Procedure
This phase represents the volley fire, melees, charges and countercharges which occur in the confusion of close combat. When moving into assault contact with an enemy formation, the attacking player must decide whether to conduct a General Assault or an All Out Assault (see below). In both cases the assaulting brigade(s) must be facing toward the enemy formations and they must declare the target unit(s) that they have the greatest contact frontage with as the primary defenders. Primary attackers and defenders count all of their bases toward the assault strength total, and they block assault activity for units behind them. Skirmish markers do not interfere with assault proximity and do not apply their bases to the assault. Solo artillery batteries (artillery without accompanying infantry or cavalry that is within assault range) on the attacking side do not by themselves initiate an assault. Both general and all-out assault windows extend into and through all cover types.

Assault Contact - Diagram showing the All Out Assault and General Assault zones, which extend 2" and 4" respectively from the face and forward flanks of the formation. The outward angle of the zones are 5º per side, which is the same as the artillery firing zone.

General Assault: Attacking formations approach to within 4" of the defending enemy formation, but greater than 2" range. They may initiate the assault from this distance per the steps outlined below.

All Out Assault: Attacking formations approach to within 2" of the defending enemy formation. They may initiate the assault from this distance per the steps outlined below, which gains them the following benefits for Win/Win assault results: A) Inflict one extra M hit on losing enemy units and batteries; b) Add a "C" tactical bonus to the next assault round (if any) made during this assault phase.

All Out assault victory bonuses are not valid beyond the current turn/phase - they will typically apply only to breakthrough assaults and their equivalents. If a breakthrough or other continuing movement results in further All Out assault rounds, the extra M hit and tactical bonus may be repeatedly gained through those additional rounds.

Each assault is resolved in the Assault section of the Combat Chart as follows:

Step 1: Establish which assault table to resolve the action: Attacker Advantage, Pitched Battle or Defender Advantage. Each table column includes brief outline descriptions of applicable conditions for using each (see Assault Tables below).
Step 2: Each player adds all applicable assault modifiers for their formations and applies them to the result of one ten sided die roll (players roll 1D10 each).
Step 3: The attacker then subtracts the defender's modified result from his own to arrive at the die roll difference.
Step 4: Refer to the die roll difference values shown in the corresponding assault column located in the combat chart's Assault table. High rolling attacker values (defender loses) force results that are above the zero line and apply to the defending units. Low rolling attacker values (attacker losers) force results that are below the zero line and apply to the attacking units. The results in the middle of the assault table force either a break-off or re-roll of a second round.
Step 5: Immediately apply the resulting panic and base hits to the involved units. All initial assault rounds must be resolved before re-rolls and breakthrough overruns are carried out. Mark breakthrough locations before moving on to resolve other assaults.
Step 6: Without re-rolling either dice, do another die roll comparison using only the natural (unmodified) die roll results. The side which loses the natural die roll (regardless of whether they won the modified roll) will suffer morale hits based on the difference between the two natural die roll results. Those M hits are applied to the losing unit(s) based on their troop grade as posted alongside the troop grade list in the Assault Modifiers column. These assault morale hits will always round up; so even if the negative point difference is only a 1 or 2 against a veteran unit (three points per hit), the units still receives one M hit. Win/Lose assault combinations result in no M hits. Lose/Win assault combinations where the assault winner loses the natural die roll, still results in an M hit (or hits) on the natural die roll loser.

Note: In the case of a "Roll again" result, the Lose/Lose side will suffer the required M hit(s) immediately, which factors into the following assault rounds that turn.

Step 7: Leaders which have been within 4" of units that suffered base hits must roll for hors de combat.
Step 8: After the first round of assaults is resolved, conduct all breakthrough movements and other mandatory moves (if any) required by the assault results. Then repeat steps 1 through 6 for any additional assault rounds which need to be resolved.

Flank and Rear Examples - The flank zone for unit A is described by a line that runs along the rear of the front bases, parallel to the unit's front. The rear zone is bounded by lines running to the rear from the outer rear base corners, perpendicular to the unit's front. Unit Y is in a flanking position because part of one of its bases is past the flank line for unit A. Unit Z is striking in the rear because part of one of its bases is past the rear line for unit A. Units struck in both the flank and rear will only suffer the worst of the two effects, not both.

Example: Attacker Unit A is a veteran infantry brigade. Defender Unit B is an average infantry brigade. Both are in the open, so the assault column used is Pitched Battle. Unit A rolls a natural 8 and Unit B rolls a natural 3. After die roll modifiers, the A to B modified difference is 9 to 3, which is an attacker win by six points to inflict three panic hits (3P).
Unit B also lost the natural die roll by five points, and being an average unit it suffers one morale hit for each three point difference in the natural die roll (rounding up), resulting in two M hits. If Unit B had lost the natural die roll by three points, it would have received only one M hit.

Follow-up Assaults - Some results may trigger one or more extra rounds of assault rolls. As long as defending enemy units continue to face the attacking unit within the attacker's all-out assault zone (2") they will continue to trigger new general assaults. Stalled assaults occur when units required by the rules to continue or breakthrough have insufficient movement to do so (see assault results).

«5.2 Special Rules
Mixed Assaults - If some attacking brigades advance to the All Out Assault range, while adjoining friendly brigades remain at General Assault range, this is called a Mixed Assault. If an attacking mixed assault group wins the modified assault round, they still gain the extra M and P hits inflicted on the enemy, but the +1 tactical bonus for breakthrough assault rounds is disregarded. If a brigade defending against any assault type is supported by a friendly defending unit that has bases partly or wholly within the attacker's assault window, and which are not blocked by other friendly bases, the defender may apply only those Supporting Bases toward the overall strength total.

Local Breakthrough - Attacking units which are rendered out of assault contact range with enemy formations due to artillery or skirmish fire related enemy withdrawals or base losses may expend the balance of their remaining normal or assault movement allowance to advance and/or establish assault contact with fresh assault targets. Such local breakthroughs may not violate existing divisional maneuver limits (a holding division's units may not move more than half, etc.). Players intending to resume movement for qualifying units must declare so at the start of the assault phase, and all such movements must be completed before assault resolution begins. Units continuing movement like this may not advance into the active field of fire of friendly artillery (batteries that fired into that zone this player turn).

Bridging Formations - When an attacking unit is facing in assault contact with two different enemy formations as part of a broader assault involving numerous brigades, the attacking player may choose to split that unit's participation into two different assaults instead of allowing that one bridging formation to combine the greater group into a large and potentially unwieldy assault calculation. The following factors must be met into order to split a bridging formation for participation in two different assaults:

  1. The attacking unit's base split must correspond as much as possible to the boundary between the two defending assault blocks.
  2. Only the attacker (phasing player) may split units. The defender for the turn may not.
  3. The bridging formation must respond to assault results in a way which will preserve the unit's integrity – it may not split up. For example, if one assault result calls for a bridging unit to advance and the other calls for the unit to fall back, the unit must fall back in order to preserve its integrity.
  4. Panic and morale hits on bridging units are not cumulative. Only the worst single cases per assault round will apply, although the worst cases for each type (panic, morale, etc.) may originate from different assaults. For example, if one assault inflicts 2M and 2P on the attacking force and another assault inflicts 3M and 2P on the other attacking force, a bridging formation split between the two assaults will receive 3M and 2P.
  5. The attacking player is not allowed to pre-calculate the various possible odds and modifier combinations for an assault before declaring whether a bridging formation (if present) will or will not be split. The decision must be made based on an brief examination of the final unit dispositions at the end of the maneuver phase and should not take more than thirty seconds.

Artillery - Each limbered or unlimbered artillery battery within assault range of an enemy unit counts as one combat base in the same manner as an infantry or cavalry base. A massed artillery battery (several batteries with bases touching) counts as one unit, with each base also equalling one regular combat base. Unlimbered artillery attacked by a breakthrough assault may not fire at the assaulting units, however if they did not fire on the current player turn, they receive a +1 on the assault die roll as Fresh Artillery for each participating battery (See Assault Modifiers). If it is a single battery it may re-face up to 45º to bring attacking bases into its arc-of-fire. Massed batteries may not reface, but member batteries at each end which have not fired this turn may reface up to 45º to bring attacking bases into their respective arcs-of-fire.

Open order vs Close order - When an open order brigade is in assault contact with a close order brigade (See the Formations section for more information), the open order brigade is automatically considered disadvantaged. This means that if the open order brigade is the defender, the assault switches to the Attacker Advantage table (regardless of cover); if the open order brigade is the attacker, the assault resolution switches to the Defender Advantage table. This only applies to infantry and cavalry opponents. If opposed by artillery in either normal or packed frontages, the open order brigade is not disadvantaged; normal assault column selection applies.

Cover Points
Points Type Terrain Type*
3 Heavy Heavy buildings
2 Medium Medium buildings
Heavy forest
Stone wall
Steep, rocky ground
1 Light Light buildings
Medium forest

«5.3 Assault Tables
Players use one of three different Assault tables to resolve an assault. Both sides of an assault round must use the same table column, each of which is tailored to resolve specific conditions:

  • Attacker Advantage - This table punishes losing defenders more quickly and allows attacking cavalry the possibility to overrun the defender. Attacker/Defender combinations who should use this table include:
    1. Cavalry (mounted) assaulting the flank or rear of infantry, which would include other foot troops like dismounted cavalry.
    2. Cavalry assaulting mounted infantry.
    3. Cavalry assaulting artillery (limbered and unlimbered).
    4. Infantry assaulting dismounted cavalry.
  • Pitched Battle - This table resolves assaults at rough parity and causes morale hits when the modified results tie. Attacker/Defender combinations who should use this table include:
    1. Same vs Same: infantry vs infantry, cavalry vs cavalry, etc.
    2. Other. Any assault combinations that do not obviously fit into either of the other assault types are summarily treated as Pitched Battle.
  • Defender Advantage - This table allows for the defender to inflict punishing casualties on the attacker. However if things are not looking good, the defending troops will tend to try escaping to avoid being trapped. The attacking troops might just let them and be satisfied with driving them away. Attacking cavalry however, might still end up overrunning the defenders if things don't go to plan. This can be a treacherous column to roll on. Attacker/Defender combinations who should use this table include:
    1. Any troops in the open assaulting troops in cover.
    2. Cavalry assaulting the front of an infantry brigade (including dismounted mounted infantry).
    3. Mounted infantry (while mounted) assaulting infantry and/or mounted cavalry from any direction (front, flank, etc.).

Column selection may end-up being averaged-out by the mutual cancellation of two competing options. For example, if infantry in the open is attacking dismounted enemy cavalry in cover, the attacker advantage of infantry vs dismounted cavalry would be negated by the defender advantage of in-open vs cover, resulting in a Pitched Battle resolution.

«5.4 Assault Modifiers
The following modifiers are added to or subtracted from the assault roll to complete a modified assault roll. For optional assault rules, see the assault section of the Advanced Rules page.

  • Troop Grades - Attacker and/or defender add or subtract the corresponding troop grade modifier if the greatest percentage of bases present are crack, veteran, average, green or untrained grade troops respectively.
  • Morale Hits - Attacker and/or defender subtract the corresponding minus modifier from the die roll if: a) Over half of the bases in assault contact belong to units with morale hits, or b) the greatest percentage of bases present belong to units with morale hits.
  • Repeater equipped - Attacker and/or defender add four points (+4) if half or more of involved bases are armed with repeating rifles or carbines. Does not apply to units with single shot breech-loading weapons.
  • E or P leader within 2" - Attacker and/or defender add one point (+1) for each friendly proficient or energetic leader within 2" of any participating brigade. This modifier is cumulative, multiple leaders within 2" will each add a point.
  • Ea. cover point - Attacker and/or defender add 1, 2 or 3 points to their die roll if the greatest percentage of bases present (rounding up) qualify for one of the cover bonuses outlined at right.
  • Each fresh artillery - Defender gains plus one (+1) for each involved artillery battery that did not fire this player turn. Usually occurs as a result of enemy breakthrough assaults running into fresh formations.
  • Outnumbering Ratio - The combatants with the lesser number of bases will subtract from the die roll if the outnumbered ratio is equal to or greater than 3:2, equal to or greater than 2:1, etc. Defending units assaulted in the flank or rear may not inflict outnumbered modifiers. Infantry in square being assaulted by solo enemy cavalry (e.g. - no enemy infantry assaulting at the same time) suffer a maximum ratio modifier of 3:2.
  • Each recent B and P hit - Attacker and/or defender subtract one point (-1) from their die roll for each of their own combat bases lost from participating units so far during the current player turn. This includes bases lost to artillery fire in the preceding phase this turn. Also subtract one point (-1) from their die roll for the maximum number of panic hits suffered so far during the current assault phase by the single worst-case participating unit. Do not total the sum quantity of panic hits for all participating units.
  • Each 1/4 skirmishers out - Attacker and/or defender subtract one point (-1) from their die roll for each one-quarter of available skirmish markers that are deployed. As with other modifiers, this only applies if affected units make up half or more of participating bases.
  • Outflanked - Defender subtracts four (-4) from the die roll if a third or more of bases present are from outflanked units (if assaulting unit finishes its move to assault with any part of its bases past the defending unit's flank line). Void if target is hit in rear. Units in buildings are not considered to have a flank (e.g. - outflanked modifier does not apply to them, even if functionally outflanked). Note that this is one of the only modifiers that can happen when less than half of the involved bases are affected.
  • Attacked in Rear - Defender subtracts seven (-7) from the die roll if a third or more of bases are from units being assaulted in the rear (assaulting unit finishes its move to assault range with any part of its bases past the defending unit's rear line). This includes units in buildings, which can be hit in the rear.

«5.5 Assault Results
Hits and Losses - Both attacking and defending units may suffer morale hits, base hits and panic hits as a result of their involvement in a general or all-out assault. All results for each round of assault combat are applied simultaneously, as are the mandatory movements which may be required.

Morale hits - All units which lost the natural die roll in an assault round will suffer the number of morale hits called for by the assault chart results. Affected units are immediately marked with the corresponding hits markers to show their new condition. All requirements to roll again are done so with modifiers adjusted for the new morale condition. Additional assault rounds (if any) are executed with modifiers adjusted for the new morale condition. M hits to demoralization cause a panic hit (P hit) for each additional M hit point beyond demoralized. This occurs whether the demoralization just happened or already existed previous to the assault phase. The resulting "converted" P hits are combined with any standard P hits suffered as a result of the assault die rolls (if any) and used to resolve the unit's panic response. Note that this may result in the apparent victor of an assault pulling back if their existing morale combined with any converted P hits happens to require it. War is hell.
Base hits - Base (B) hits inflicted due to assault results are first distributed evenly among infantry or cavalry units which were within closest contact with the enemy units. Bases lost are removed immediately from play, and before surrender results are applied. If possible, base hits should be removed from the middle of a unit in order to avoid biasing established assault contact (unit may close bases at end of phase). Artillery bases are considered a separate type, and experience base hit (damage) in addition to the infantry/cavalry units. Example: A defending infantry brigade and two artillery batteries jointly lose an assault with a 1B hit. The infantry suffers one base loss, and one of the artillery batteries also suffers one base hit (which is a damage hit for artillery).
Panic Hits - Panic hits control how units respond to their assault loss. Each panic hit counts as one panic level, so three panic hits is a Panic 3 or P3. To find a unit's panic response, refer to the corresponding panic level in the Panic Index (panic levels are 1, 2, 3 or 4) and cross reference the troop grade of the losing units with that panic level's result column. The result shows the type of mandatory retrograde movement which the losing unit must conduct, either D (disengage), W (withdrawal), F (fall back), Re (retreat) or Rt (rout). Cavalry is similarly affected, moving 200% of the distances listed for foot. Units that rout will suffer an additional morale hit at the end of their rout move, if already demoralized the unit remains demoralized.

Surviving artillery batteries may limber-up in order to disengage, withdraw or fall back. Batteries required to retreat may also limber-up, but each suffers one damage point (base hit). Artillery batteries required to rout are abandoned (captured/lost) regardless of other results.

Assault related panic hits are totalled at the end of each assault round. If a brigade begins the assault phase demoralized and then suffers 3P as a result of the modified assault roll, and 1M as a result of the unmodified morale check, that 1M will convert to a panic hit due to the unit already being demoralized. This means that the unit suffers a Panic 4 and any related effects (retreat, rout, etc.).
Direction - Units will conduct their panic hit movement in the following order of preference: 1) Directly away from the enemy threat. 2) Directly toward friendly lines. In some cases a unit may end up moving away at an angle that is an average between these two options (Example: If outflanked, a retreating unit may angle away from the threat as it attempts to return to friendly lines). If friendly formations are directly to a unit's rear, it will pass through those formations (if movement distance warrants it) in the process of executing their panic hit movement.
Group Surrender - A unit which is unable to execute its panic hit movement without passing through an enemy formation (e.g. - it is surrounded and/or pinned against an obstacle) will conduct the following actions by troop grade: Elite units will overrun the enemy formation and return to friendly lines at the cost of one base hit (1B). All other troop grades will surrender.
Assault Loser Friendly within 3"
Shaken 1M
Demoralized 2M
Retreated 1P
Routed 2P
If the unit suffering pass through hits of either type (M or P) was already demoralized, it immediately goes to Panic 4.
Lose/Lose passage of lines - Infantry units which suffer lose/lose assault results with P hits and pass through friendly formations that are within 3" to their rear (as measured from front edge to front edge of each formation) may inflict additional M and P hits on those friendly units. These pass through hits only happen with the two worst results in each category. Consult the table at right for specific hit types that will be inflicted on formations that are 3" or less directly in the path of the retreating/routing unit. The same effect happens with cavalry units on passthrough, but they affect friendly units at double the distance (6").
Loss Number - The panic result may also include a loss number, which represents the number of bases taken prisoner as a result of the assault. Losers required to surrender prisoner bases will do so only after base hits have been removed. Prisoner bases are taken first from all-out assault contact units of the lowest troop grade present, followed by higher troop grade bases within the all-out contact range bracket. Only if all bases in the all-out contact zone are lost may remaining unassigned prisoners be taken from general assault contact units. If a unit is completely destroyed during the course of the assault phase, the parent division must still check for panic (does not apply to a unit destroyed during the artillery phase, even if that unit was already in assault contact).

Example: A veteran grade unit suffers two panic hits as a result of an assault. The controlling player will refer to the second line of the Panic 2 index column (the second line corresponds with the Veteran troop grade units). The result column indicates a W, meaning that the unit would withdraw without further loss. If the unit had been composed of untrained troops, it would have received an Re result, which would result in one retreat move.

Carry Position - Attacking formations allowed to carry a position may advance into all or part of the position originally taken up by the enemy unit(s) before their retirement. Carrying a position allows a unit a certain amount of latitude to adjust their orientation, but only if they have enough movement allowance remaining. This includes any limbered artillery involved in an assault, which may also participate in a move to carry a position including unlimbering in support of other friendly formations. Officers of all grades which had been within 2" range to support the assault may also accompany the unit to its new position.

Troops carrying a position may deploy or pull in skirmish markers if that does not violate other game or scenario rules (skirmish markers that attacked a enemy bases may not be pulled in). They may also conduct a single retrograde pivot of up to 45º in order to refuse their flank to an imminent threat or to improve alignment with adjoining friendly units. Troops required to carry a position by the assault result must, if necessary, use their assault bonus move to achieve the move. If an enemy position was under fire by friendly artillery during the turn, the friendly artillery is presumed to cease firing when the friendly formation carries the enemy position.

Drive Away - Attacking formations hold their last position that triggered the assault without carrying the enemy position. This will leave the vacated enemy position empty.

Breakthrough - Assault results may either allow or order attackers to continue moving to assault contact, which is called a breakthrough. While conducting this continuing movement, they are subject to normal movement rules and may initiate new assaults against units. They may not violate or exceed their current orders while breaking through, nor may they exceed their maximum movement allowance as measured from the start of their movement phase. Units whose assault results state that they must breakthrough will move to the limit of their full assault movement (even if movement orders are violated as a result) unless countermanded by a new assault result. Units which use their assault movement bonus will suffer one morale hit at the end of the turn. Units which may breakthrough have the option of downgrading their breakthrough option to a carry position result.

Overrun - An overrun allows assaulting cavalry to break past or through a nearly defeated defender and to continue moving into assault contact against potential assault targets to the rear. The cavalry may continue assaulting units in this manner as long as it has the available movement and continues to achieve assault results allowing further movement and action. Cavalry which remains in all-out assault contact range (2") with an enemy unit due to refusal to conduct the overrun must conduct further assault rounds until the all-out contact is broken. If no enemy units are within range of a cavalry unit's remaining movement allowance, the cavalry may still overrun the initial defender and expend movement to the maximum allowable as part of a general penetration of enemy lines.

In cases where an enemy unit suffers panic hits that keep it in the path of an overrunning cavalry formation – especially in cases where the cavalry runs out of available movement – a second assault round may result. This can give the effect of a prolonged running down of the panicking defenders.

Break off - Allows attacking cavalry or infantry to withdraw out of assault contact range with the enemy. This results in one additional morale hit on the unit(s) that break-off.

Units unable to withdraw, retreat or rout away from the enemy without coming in contact with other enemy combat bases will surrender. All breakthrough, break-off and overrun moves are carried out after the first assault round is completed. Subsequent assault rounds are conducted in the same manner.

Stalled Assaults - Assaulting units which have insufficient remaining movement to execute carry position, breakthrough or break-off results are stalled. Stalled units shall still conduct further assault rounds against their opposing enemy formations until they are no longer facing within the 2" All Out assault range of each other.

Supporting Brigades - Units which had a minority (less than half) of their strength involved as supporting bases in a nearby assault defense may be negatively effected in case of a defeat. If the primary defender disengaged, withdrew or fell back facing the enemy, the supporting brigade may refuse its flank to accommodate a new alignment that stays clear of the attacker's assault contact zone (to avoid automatically triggering more assault rounds). If the primary defender retreated or routed out of the assault, the supporting brigade suffers one morale hit (1M) and must conduct a disengage, withdraw or fallback move.

« 5.6 Death and Disorder
Hors de Combat - Roll 2D10 for each leader who was within 4" of any units which suffered base hits. Definitions for the hors de combat die roll modifiers appear in the Leader Death and Panic section of the Artillery & Skirmish Fire phase.

Charge & Retreat Disorder - Units which use any of their assault bonus movement (also known as charge movement) or which retreated/routed during the turn will suffer charge disorder at that turn's end. Units suffering charge disorder suffer one morale hit, but only after all assaults are resolved.

End of Phase - At the end of the assault phase, both sides gather any remaining bases killed during the phase and close ranks of units which have suffered base hits by moving their bases back into contact. Units may close ranks on the center of the unit, to the left or to the right, so long as one unit base remains as the stationary anchor for the rest of the closure.

« 6.1 Panic Test Procedure
Panic tests are conducted at the end of a turn by any divisions with units that have suffered panic level four (P4) events during the course of the player turn. These panic tests use the same table as the panic hits which can happen during the assault phase, but in a slightly different way.

In order to conduct a divisional panic test, cross-index the average troop grade of the testing division with the pass column on the Panic 4 section. Once the pass number is established, the player rolls 1D10 and modifies the result using the panic die roll modifiers. If the modified die roll equals or exceeds the pass number, the division does not panic. If the modified die roll is less than the pass number, the division is immediately marked as being in a panicked state and all member units will conduct the resulting forced movement listed immediately to the left of the fail column (fall back, retreat or rout). No morale hits are added to units due to a failed divisional panic test, however if a division routs, all member units will suffer one morale hit at the end of their assault move away from the enemy (already demoralized units suffer no further morale or panic hits because of this, and in most cases any demoralized formations will have already conducted their forced retrograde move for the turn). As of the completion of their retrograde move, divisions which have panicked are considered to be in a holding state for purposes of movement and maneuver.

Units within the division which have already conducted other forced retrograde moves during the current turn's assault phase will only move enough to match the new mandatory move result. For example; if a unit had already conducted a Fallback out of an assault and it's division then panics and routs, the unit will conduct the extra retrograde movement that reflects the difference between the Fallback and Rout result (for infantry in this case, it would involve turning backs to the enemy and moving an extra 4" away from the enemy and/or toward friendly lines). Unless his base is currently flagged as hors de combat, a division's leader may move as needed to keep his position in the middle of the division.

If a loss number is shown to the right of the panic result, the division will lose that number of bases to desertion (this is a dual-purpose table, so this same loss number is used during the Assault phase to indicate bases captured as prisoners). Deserting bases are taken randomly, first from the lowest troop grade present, followed by progressively higher troop grades within the division. Deserted bases are removed from game play and not returned unless playing multiple-day scenarios. Once all panic test rounds have been resolved, all panic markers are removed from affected divisions, panicked division orders are reset to Defend status and the next player turn is begun.

« 6.2 When to Test
There are two conditions which can trigger divisional panic tests; internal panic and adjoining panic (division near to it panics). If both happen at the same time, roll one die (1D10) for each condition and take the one worst result that occurs. Because panic test failures can trigger panic tests in adjoining divisions, the panic test phase is conducted in "rounds" during which progressive groups of divisions may roll for panic. All panic tests conducted within a test round are considered to be simultaneous, and resulting mandatory movements are executed only after all necessary die rolls for that round have been conducted.

1) Internal Panic - A division will roll for panic if any of its units suffered panic level four (P4) hits during the assault phase. Note that if the unit(s) which experienced the P4 hit were entirely destroyed, deserted or captured, the division still reacts to the P4 event. Units which suffer various panic hits that total to five or higher without experiencing a P4 hit do not count toward this test.
2) Adjoining Panic - A division will roll on the panic level four column if any adjoining division within 3" becomes panicked during the Panic Test Phase. Divisions are considered adjoining if the closest points of their closest units are within 3" of each other, or within line of sight, whichever is less.

Each division may only test once for each panic condition during the course of a panic phase. For example; if a division passes an internal panic test, only to have an adjoining division fail a similar test, the subject division must then roll an adjoining panic test. If however, it passes that panic test only to have a different adjoining division panic on a subsequent round (tests in any one round are all considered simultaneous) it will not have to do a second test.

« 6.3 Panic Modifiers
Panic Die Roll Modifiers: The following modifiers increase or decrease the failure die rolls:

  • Rolling division is unshaken - Add two points (+2) to the panic die roll if the rolling division is unshaken.
  • Each extra demoralized unit - Subtract two points (-2) from the panic die roll for each demoralized unit present. Destroyed and surrendered units still count if they were last demoralized.

Panic Base Hit Modifiers: The following modifiers add base hits to the existing loss numbers. All base hit modifiers are cumulative (e.g. - Routing out an assault in the rear, out of a town and across a bridge results in four bases taken prisoner for an average unit).

  • Retreat/Rout - Add one base hit (B) to the loss number for the following conditions: Unit is retreating or routing out of: Town terrain (blocks, buildings); across bridges or fordable streams or is retreating/routing away from an assault in the rear.
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