Leader Ratings
This list of period commanders and their Republic values is provided
here as a rough guide for game play. It is also a beta version which is not yet complete. Readers who have particular insights into these men, or other officers
not listed here should feel free to change the leader values as needed for game
play (and let us know, to help us update our list).
Some officer values have been slightly reduced in order to represent
the often splintered and very politicized nature of high command. Another
problem with estimating class and ratings is that some senior officers may have
been technically capable, but behaved in unfavorable ways due to poltical
intrigue and associated insubordination. This sometimes led to erratic
performance, with commanders being aggressive and capable in one action,
yet appearing dilatory and bordering on incompetent in other actions. Due to
the poltically loaded atmosphere and intrigue, general officers at this time
got away with levels of plotting and insubordination that would result in court martial
in 20th century armies (and which did indeed happen during the Civil War).
The lowest level leaders used in
Republic are divisional level or equivalent. The next level above
divisional leaders will be corps commanders. Above these will be army
commanders and/or commanders in chief.
Leader value example:
P2 (P = Leader Class)(2 = Leader Rating). If only one rating has been estimated for the entire war, it will be positioned in the Mid War column. Note: This list is not yet complete, names are still being added as playtesting proceeds. Class = E
(energetic), P (proficient) or C (cautious) Rating = -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,
Leader Values |
Name |
War |
War |
War |
Ames |
E2 |
Banks |
C-1 |
n/a |
Barlow |
E0 |
Berry |
Buel |
C0 |
Burnside |
C1 |
Blunt |
Butler |
C0 |
Crittenden |
Curtis |
Fremont |
Gibbon |
E1 |
E2 |
E2 |
Grant |
E1 |
E2 |
E3 |
Halleck |
C0 |
Hancock |
E3 |
Hooker |
P2 |
Howard |
C1 |
Meade |
P1 |
McClellan |
C4 |
C3 |
n/a |
McClernand |
P0 |
Kilpatrick |
E-1 |
Reynolds |
E3 |
E3 |
n/a |
Rosecrans |
Sedgewick |
C1 |
C2 |
n/a |
Sheridan |
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
Sherman |
E2 |
E3 |
E3 |
Sickles |
Sigel |
C3 |
C1 |
n/a |
Slocum |
P0 |
Smith |
P0 |
Thomas |
P2 |
C1 |
Warren |
Generic Divisional |
P0 |
P1 |
P1 |
Leader Values |
Name |
War |
War |
War |
Anderson |
P1 |
Bate |
E0 |
Beauregard |
E3 |
Bragg |
C0 |
Breckenridge |
P2 |
Ewell |
P3 |
Hill, A.P. |
C2 |
n/a |
Hill, D.H. |
Hood |
E2 |
Jackson |
E2 |
E4 |
n/a |
A.S. Johnston |
E3 |
n/a |
n/a |
Lee |
E2 |
E3 |
E4 |
Longstreet |
E2 |
E3 |
E3 |
Generic Divisional |
P0 |
P1 |
P1 |