H.R.H. the Commander in Chief to Lieut. General Sir Hew
' Horse Guards, 21st July, 1808.
' His Majesty having been graciously pleased to appoint you
to the command of a large division of his army, to be employed on a particular
service, I have to notify to you the several corps, General, and Staff Officers
which compose this army, and to desire that you will use your best endeavors to
carry into effect such instructions as you may receive from his Majesty's
' In transmitting to you a list of your force I have felt it
my duty, with the view of giving you every information and assistance in my
power, to annex to it an outline of the manner in which it appears to me that
it would be most advisable to brigade the army: but, although I have given this
plan every possible consideration, yet I mean you should fully understand it is
intended solely for your guidance, in the event of the circumstances of your
situation rendering it practicable and easy; and by no means to curb you in any
other arrangements you may think it advisable to adopt, under the pressure of
local or other difficulty. ' The 4th Royal Veteran Battalion is not included in
this dislocation, as that corps is at present intended for the garrison of
Gibraltar; but it may possibly be in your power to take a more serviceable
corps from thence in lieu of it, bearing in mind that this battalion is not to
be permanently stationed at Gibraltar, but to be sent eventually to
I am, &c. Frederick, Commander in Chief.
' List of several Corps, General, and Staff Officers,
composing a large Division of his Majesty's Army, to be employed upon a
particular service.
' His Majesty has been pleased to direct that the
undermentioned corps should be formed into one army, viz.-
Sir John Moore's Corps
3rd Light Dragoons |
562 |
British Artillery |
374 |
German ditto |
320 |
*4th Foot, 1st battalion |
971 |
*28th, " |
1020 |
52nd, " |
951 |
*79th, " |
995 |
*92nd, " |
934 |
95th, 3 Companies |
300 |
Royal Staff Corps |
50 |
1st Light Battalion, K.G.L. |
907 |
2nd, " |
903 |
1st Line Battalion, K.G.L. |
725 |
2nd " |
761 |
5th " |
753 |
7th " |
679 |
Garrison Company |
48 |
11,253 |
Major General Spencer's Corps
Royal Artillery |
245 |
Royal Staff Corps |
45 |
*6th Foot |
1st Battalion |
946 |
29th |
806 |
32nd |
1st Battalion |
874 |
50th |
" |
948 |
82nd |
" |
929 |
4,793 |
Sir Arthur Wellesley's Corps
20th Light Dragoons |
394 |
Royal Artillery |
226 |
*5th Foot |
1st Battalion |
990 |
9th |
" |
833 |
*36th |
591 |
*38th |
" |
957 |
*40th |
" |
926 |
*45th |
" |
670 |
60th, |
5th Battalion |
936 |
*71st, |
1st " |
903 |
*91st |
" |
917 |
95th, |
4 Companies |
400 |
4th Royal Veteran Battalion |
737 |
9,280 |
' His Majesty has further been pleased to direct, that
Lieut. General Sir Hew Dalrymple shall have the chief command thereof, and that
Lieut. General Sir Harry Burrard be second in command, when the Staff of this
army will consist as follows, viz.:-
Lieut. General Sir Hew Dalrymple, Commander of the Forces.
Lieut. General Sir Harry Burrard, second in command.
Lieut. Generals Sir John Moore, the Hon. John Hope,
Mackenzie Fraser, Lord Paget, Sir Arthur Wellesley.
Major Generals J. Murray, Lord W. Bentinek, Hon. Edward
Paget, Spencer, Hill, Ferguson.
Brigadier Generals Acland, Nightingall, R. Stewart, the Hon.
C. Stewart, H. Fane, R. Anstruther, Catlin Craufurd.
Brigadier General H. Clinton, 1st Foot Guards, acting
Adjutant Gen.
Lieut. Colonel Murray, 3rd Foot Guards, acting Quarter
Master Gen.
Bt. Lieut. Colonel Torrens, 89th Foot, Military
' His Majesty has further been pleased to command that the
following should be the outline of the dislocation of the troops, subject to
the discretion of the General commanding.
The Reserve under the command of Lieut. General Sir John
Moore and Major General the Hon. Edward Paget.
Brig. General the
18th Light Dragoons |
20th " |
3rd Lt.Drs., K.G.L. |
52nd Foot |
1st batt. |
52nd " |
2nd " |
95th |
9 Companies |
Brig. General R. Stewart
43rd Foot, |
2nd Batt. |
60th " |
5th " |
1st Lt.Batt., K.G.L. |
2nd " |
Lieut. Gen. the Hon. John Hope
Brig. Gen. Acland |
2nd, or Queen's Foot |
4th, 1st Battalion |
28th |
Major. Gen. Ferguson |
79th |
91st |
92nd |
Lieut. Gen. Lord Paget
Major Gen. Spencer |
6th |
29th |
32nd |
Brig. Gen. Nightingall |
5th |
50th |
82nd |
Lieut. Gen. Mackenzie Fraser
Major Gen. Hill |
9th |
9th, 2nd Battalion |
40th, 1st Battalion |
Brig. Gen. Fane |
36th |
45th |
97th |
Lieut. Gen. Sir. A. Wellesley
Brig.Gen. Catlin Craufurd |
20th |
38th |
71st |
Major Gen. J.Murray |
4 Batt's KGL infantry |
Viscount Castlereagh, Secretary of State, to Lieut. General
the Hon. Sir A. Wellesley, K.B.
'Downing Street, 21st July, 1808.
' In the event of your deeming it may be advantageous that
the troops now proceeding from England should be disembarked at any point on
the coast of Portugal north of the Tagus, I am to suggest to you the propriety
of your requesting Sir Charles Cotton to station one of his cruisers to the
northward of the Berlings, with such information as you may deem material to
communicate to the senior officer in command of the troops; and I shall
intimate to the officers in charge of the troops proceeding from hence, that
they should be prepared, at that point, to receive an intimation from you of
the actual state of things in the Tagus.
Lieut. General the Hon. Sir A. Wellesley, K.B., to Viscount
Castlereagh, Secretary of State.
' H.M.S. Crocodile, Coruna, 21st July, 1808.
My Lord,
'I have the honor to inform you, that having adverted to the
tenor of your Lordships instructions of the 30th ultimo, (No. 1 and 2) I deemed
it expedient to quit the fleet, containing the troops under my command, as soon
as it was clear of the coast of Ireland on the 13th instant; and I arrived here
in this ship yesterday.
' I have had several conferences with the Junta of Galicia
since my arrival, the general result of which has been, that the whole of
Spain, with the exception of the kingdoms of Navarre and Biscay, are in arms
against the French; and that in many places detachments of the French troops
had been defeated by the Spanish people. The information, however, which has
been received by the Junta of Galicia is not of an official nature; and I am
not enabled to state positively where these occurrences have taken place, or to
what extent, although I imagine that there is no doubt that these French corps
have been defeated in the manner reported in the private letters received by
' The Galician army, joined by that of Castille, (the whole
consisting of 50,000 men, of which 20,000 are stated to have been regular
troops,) was posted at Rio Seco, in the province of Valladolid; and was
attacked on the 14th instant, by a French corps, under the command of Marshal
Bessieres, consisting of 20,000 men, (of which 4000 were cavalry,) which had
been at Burgos: in the commencement of the action the Spanish troops had the
advantage; but towards the close of the day, the French cavalry charged the
left of the Spanish line, which consisted of the Castillian peasantry, and
which was broken and defeated, with the loss of 7000 men, some officers of
distinction' end two pieces of cannon. The loss of the French troops in the
action is stated to have been 7000 men and six pieces of cannon. On the
following day the Spanish army retired to Benevente, on the Esla; from which
measure the French have acquired the command of the course of the Rio Douro,
and are in a situation to impede the communication between this province and
those to the southward, and to the eastward, likewise in arms against-the
' The Junta of Galicia have given their consent to my using
the port of Vigo, if I should find it necessary, to afford shelter to the
fleet, or even to land the troops there.
' It appears from the intelligence which I have received
here, that the total number of the French troops still in Portugal is about
15,000 men, of which number 12,000 are at Lisbon, and in the neighborhood; and
Almeida is occupied by a small corps. The three provinces north of the Rio
Douro are in arms against the French; and there is a corps of Portuguese troops
in Oporto, the number of which is stated to be 10,000 men; besides these, a
Spanish corps, consisting of 2000 men, commenced their march on the 15th
instant, from a port in the southern part of Galicia, towards Oporto, where I
expect they will arrive about the 24th or 25th instant.
' I have not received any account of General Spencer, from
which I can form a judgment, whether that officer will have it in his power to
proceed to Lisbon, according to the tenor of your Lordship's instructions of
the 30th of June and 2nd of July.
' I propose to sail from hence this night, and to go to
Oporto in this ship; and I shall be directed in the future operations of the
army, for the execution of your Lordship's instructions, by the intelligence
which I shall receive there. I shall request Captain Malcolm to follow me with
the convoy to Oporto.
I have the honor to be, &c. ' ARTHUR WELLESLEY.