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Our photo gallery includes an ever growing collection of images showing painted and unpainted models. Some of them have been finished, mounted and customized in various ways, including the installation of hand-made masts (all WTJ Naval models are shipped raw and unprimered, clean before painting).

Russian battleships under fire: 1/1500 models.
Another view of Russian 1/1500 models in action.
Another view of Borodino in her Baltic Fleet livery.
Russian battleship Borodino.
Second view of Jaureguiberry and Sissoi Veliki.
Painted 1/1500 scale French battleship Jaureguiberry (front) and Russian battleship Sissoi Veliki (back).
Battleship Mikasa scale comparison.
1/1500 scale Gromoboi and Rossia freshly made.
Japanese battleship Mikasa and a Yarrow pattern destroyer, both 1/1500 rapid prototyped.
1/1500 rapid prototyped Gromoboi next to a 1/3000 cast pewter Gromoboi.
The Garibaldi cruiser family; Spanish, Japanese, Italian and Argentinian variants - yes, each one is a little different!
A scale series shot, showing three of the four scales currently offered (1/2400 is available but not shown... I didn't have one at the time the photo was taken).
A 1/3000 pewter Sans Pareil, mounted and customized with mast.
A 1/3000 pewter Diadem, mounted and customized with mast.
Closeup of a customized 1/3000 pewter Royal Sovereign.