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Austrian Uniform Guide - Line Infantry

This figure depicts a Hungarian line infantryman circa 1809 and after. The main feature which separates his uniform from the earlier version is the large double-peaked shako, which has the national cockade (brass, usually painted yellow with a black center) and on the top edge, a yellow and black pom-pom. His dark blue facings (collar, cuffs and turnbacks) and white buttons indicate he is from the 33rd Colloredo Regiment. All Hungarian regiments wore the light blue pantaloons (pants) shown on this figure. The pants had two yellow and black Hugarian knots on the front, and a strip of yellow and black braid up the side.
This figure shows the most common appearance for German Austrian line infantry between 1798 and 1805 (and as late as 1809). The helmet seen here replaced the earlier "casquet" headgear, and included a brass front plate, black wool crest with a yellow stripe along the side and a black chinstrap secured by brass bosses. His grey facings and white buttons indicate he is from the 49th Graf Pellegrini Regiment.
This figure portrays a typcial pre-1798 German Austrian infantryman, with tall black gaiters, large turnbacks, and the old fashioned "casquet" headgear. He also still wears his hair powdered light grey with curls above the ears, and queued (braided) down the back. His yellow facings and white buttons show that he is from the 41st FM Baron Bender Regiment, which was German (specifically Galician) in origin.

Austrian Regimental Facings and Buttons
Regiment Origin Facing Color Button Color
1st German Pompadour (Dark red) Brass
2nd German Dark Yellow B
3rd German Sky Blue White
4th German Sky Blue B
5th German Dark Blue W
6th German Black W
7th German Dark Blue W
8th German Poppy Red B
9th Walloon Apple Green B
10th German Parrot (bright) Green W
11th German Rose (pink) W
12th German Dark Brown B
13th German Grass Green B
14th German Black B
15th German Dark Yellow B
16th German Violet B
17th German Light Brown W
18th German Pompadour (Dark red) W
19th German Sky Blue W
20th German Crab Red W
21st German Sea Green B
22nd German Dark Yellow B
23rd German Poppy Red W
24th German Dark Blue W
25th German Sea Green W
26th German Parrot (bright) Green B
27th German Dark Yellow B
28th German Grass Green W
29th German Medium Blue W
30th Walloon Light Grey B
31st German Dark Yellow W
32nd Hungarian Sky Blue B
33rd Hungarian Dark Blue W
34th Hungarian Crab Red W
35th German Crab Red B
36th German Pale Red W
37th Hungarian Poppy Red B
38th Hungarian Rose B
39th Hungarian Poppy Red W
40th German Crimson W
41st German Yellow W
42nd German Orange W
43rd German Yellow B
44th Italian Dark Yellow W
45th German Crimson B
46th German Dark Blue B
47th German Grey-Green W
48th Hungarian Grey-Green B
49th German Light Grey W
50th German Violet W
51st German Dark Blue B
52nd Hungarian Pompadour (Dark red) B
53rd Croatian Pompadour (Dark red) W
54th Croatian Apple Green W
55th Walloon Medium Blue B
56th German Grey-Green B
57th German Pale Red B
58th Walloon Black W
59th German Orange B
60th Hungarian Grey-Green W
61st Hungarian Grass Green B
62nd Hungarian Grass Green W
63rd Walloon Light Brown W
64th German Grey Uniform
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