Help support free WTJ wargaming rules |
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These rules are suitable
for use with all standard miniature wargaming figures, and include all text and
combat charts needed for game play. The rules are completely free and no
purchases are required. Prospective beginners who want to learn more about
miniature wargaming will enjoy reading
Miniature Wargaming 101, a short
primer we wrote to help get you oriented.
The beta
version of Republique 5
is now available for play on the beta test page. Use of the new rules is highly recommended, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
playing tools Rules |
Introduction Command · Maneuver · Artillery & Skirmish ·
Assault · Panic Tests
Combat Charts | All Republique rules text is written for the
Standard (Medium) scale linked below.
Artillery Arc-of-Fire - A downloadable artillery
firing arc for Republique game play. Make sure that it prints out at its proper
length of 127mm (five inches).
support Change List - View
the list of changes and additions made to Republique, categorized simply by
type and date. Units and Formations | These units lists show
various Napoleonic formations and their equivalent sizes for use in Republique.
They are grouped by nationality, and contain both official and field strengths
for regiments, brigades, divisions and corps:
France Spain Britain Prussia Russia Turkey
Leader Ratings - A list of military and
national leaders of the time and their values for game play. Periodically
updated with additional officers, dates of service, etc.
Optional Rules - This long list of
alternative maneuver, assault and fire rules has the ability to completely
transform Republique game play, and includes many references to specialized
historical events and actions. Questions and
Answers - Questions and answers about Republique, including Command,
Movement, Skirmishing, Artillery and Assaults. Situations - Examples of combat situations
and their resolutions. Presently includes the resolution of a hypothetical
cavalry charge. Republique
Tactics - A short tactical primer, giving some hints and clues for game
play. Especially relating to historical formations and techniques.
After Action Reports | Below are a short selection of reports from
various Republique battles. Some are "historified" into a realistic battlefield
account, whereas others may contain more details about game mechanics. Battle of Luckenwald ·
Davout vs The Russians (all of them) ·
Stuck on a Limb
The Combat Uniform
Guide - A series of sample color tables, uniform photographs and uniform
data planned for all periods of military history, from ancient Greece to Modern
Asia. Bold links are accompanied by illustrations and/or regimental lists:
France · Great Britain ·
Austria ·
Russia ·
Prussia · Bavaria ·
republique orders of
battle 1815 Orders of Battle for Waterloo |
French and British orders of battle for the Waterloo
Campaign. Includes scenario and campaign notes for both armies regarding troops
and battlefield conditions. 1806 Orders of Battle for
Jena-Auerstadt | Prussian and
French Orders of Battle for the day of October 14,
1806. 1810 Orders of Battle for
Busaco - Anglo/Portuguese and French Orders of Battle for the day of
September 27, 1810. 1809 Orders of Battle for Wagram |
Austrian and French orders of battle for Wagram, July 5, 1809.
Includes all theatre level formations, including those not present at the
actual battle. 1813 Orders of Battle for Dresden |
French and Allied orders of battle for the 1813 Dresden
Campaign, August, 1813. Including all army formations in central Europe (except
depots and garrisons).
historical orders of battle
French Army of Aragon, May 1811 ·
French Army of Aragon, Dec. 1811 ·
French Army Eighth Corps, Nov.
1805 |