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German Units and Formations

These unit lists should help new 1943 players orient themselves as to how the rules relate to historical organizations. They are meant only as guidelines, and players should feel free to modify them if they wish.There were an enormous variety of formations which existed throughout the war, and so again, this can serve as a primer upon which players re-create their own historical units.

Mechanized Infantry Recce Platoon:
Vehicle Units:2 - Sdkfz250/1 | Morale:Brave | Training:Great

Horse/Bicycle Recce Company:
Units:6 | Bases:1 | Morale:Brave | Training:Average
Motor Recce Company:
Units:1 base armored car or motorcycle w/Hmg, 2-3 units motorcycles, kettengrads or volkswagens. | Morale:Brave | Training:Average
Panzer Grenadier Company (Mech) 1941:
Units:1 | Bases:6 | Morale:Brave | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:0 / -1 | Machine Guns:2 Medium | Vehicles:7 - Sdkfz251/1, 1 - Sdkfz251/2
Panzer Grenadier Company (Motor) 1941:
Units:1 | Bases:6 | Morale:Brave | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:0 / -1 | Machine Guns:1 Medium | Mortars:1 Light | Vehicles:8 - Trucks
Fallschirmjäger Assault Pioneer Company:
Units:6 | Bases:1 | Morale:Reckless | Training:Outstanding | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:5 / 0 | Machine Guns:2 Medium | Mortars:2 Light | Special:All bases have eng. weapons

Infantry Battalion 1941:
Units:4 | Bases:6 | Morale:Steady | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:0 / -1 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Anti-Tank Rifles:3 or 4 | Mortars:3 Medium
Infantry Battalion 1943:
Units:4 | Bases:6 | Morale:Steady | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:5 / 4 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 - 120mm Mortar (Heavy) | Vehicles:2 - Trucks or wagons
Infantry Battalion 1944:
Units:4 | Bases:6 | Morale:Steady | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:6 / 5 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 - 120mm Mortar (Heavy) | Vehicles:2 - Trucks or wagons
Infantry Battalion 1945:
Units:3 | Bases:6 | Morale:Steady/Shaky | Training:Poor | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:7 / 6 | Machine Guns:2 Medium | Towed Weapons:1 - 120mm Mortar (Heavy) | Vehicles:1 - Trucks or wagons
Volksturm Battalion 1945:
Units:1 | Bases:9 | Morale:Shaky | Training:Abysmal | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:5 / 5 | Machine Guns:1 Medium
Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Motor) 1941:
Units:4 | Bases:6 | Morale:Brave | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:0 / -1 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Mortars:3 Medium | Towed Weapons:1 - 30mm, 1 - 75mm Low vel. | Vehicles:30 - Trucks
Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1943:
Units:6 | Bases:3 | Morale:Brave | Training:Outstanding | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:5 / 4 | Machine Guns:6 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 Heavy mortars | Vehicles:12 (max.)- SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks and wagons.
Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1944:
Units:6 | Bases:3 | Morale:Brave | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:7 / 7 | Machine Guns:6 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 Heavy mortars | Vehicles:9 (max.)- SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks and wagons.
Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1945:
Units:6 | Bases:2 | Morale:Steady | Training:Average | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:7 / 7 | Machine Guns:3 Medium | Towed Weapons:1 Heavy mortar | Vehicles:6 (max.)- SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks and wagons.
SS Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1943:
Units:8 | Bases:3 | Morale:Reckless | Training:Outstanding | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:5 / 4 | Machine Guns:6 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 Heavy mortars | Vehicles:16 (max.) - SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks.
SS Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1944:
Units:8 | Bases:3 | Morale:Reckless | Training:Outstanding | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:8 / 6 | Machine Guns:6 Medium | Towed Weapons:2 Heavy mortars | Vehicles:16 (max.) - SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks.
SS Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Mech) 1945:
Units:6 | Bases:3 | Morale:Reckless | Training:Great | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:7 / 7 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Towed Weapons:1 Heavy mortar | Vehicles:10 (max.) - SPW251/1, 1 - SPW 251/2, balance of transport will be trucks and wagons.
Fallschirmjäger Battalion 1941:
Units:4 | Bases:6 | Morale:Reckless | Training:Outstanding | Infantry AT Assault/Fire:0 / -2 | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Mortars:3 Light

Infantry Regiment 1941-1943:
Battalions:3 Infantry Battalions | Towed Weapons:6 - 37mm AT guns(size 2), 3 - 75mm Inf.gun (size 4), 1 - 150mm Inf.gun (size 8).
Infantry Regiment 1943-45:
Battalions:2 Infantry Battalions | Machine Guns:2 Light| Towed Weapons:2 - 50mm AT guns(size 3), 3 - 75mm Inf.gun (size 4), 1 - 150mm Inf.gun (class 8).
Panzer Grenadier Regiment 1941-1942:
Battalions:2 Motor Battalions | Companies:1 Mech. Company, 2 Motor Companies | Machine Guns:4 Medium | Towed Weapons:1 - 30mm, 1 - 75mm Low vel. | Vehicles:4 - Trucks
Panzer Grenadier Regiment 1943-1945:
Battalions:1 Mech. Battalion, 1 Motor Battalion | Units:1 Unit SP guns

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