Orders &
Bonaparte, 1796 - 1815 Orders, dispatches and reports from
Napoleon's army headquarters during the Italian, Egyptian, Austerlitz, Wagram
and Waterloo campaigns. Marshal Louis Davout,
1806 Orders and reports from French Marshal Davout's famous
Auerstadt campaign. Admiral Horatio Nelson,
1797 - 1805 Dispatches, letters of instruction and commentary
written by Horatio Nelson during his most famous naval campaigns.
The Duke of Wellington, 1808 - 1815
Dispatches, orders and correspondence from the headquarters of Arthur
Wellesley, The Duke of Wellington during the Peninsular and Waterloo
campaigns. American Civil War Navies,
1862 Telegrams and reports relating to the great naval battle
fought at Hampton Road between the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia.
Expeditionary Force, 1917-1918 Dispatches, maps and records
of service for the Allied army which fought in the Middle East and North Africa
during World War One.
Images &
1905 Russian Fleet
Panorama A rare panoramic photo taken of the Russian Baltic Fleet
as it passed Singapore.
Redoutable at Trafalgar By Captain Etienne Lucas, Captain of the
74-gun Ship of the Line Redoutable. The Battle
of the Skagerrak By Commander Georg von Hase, First Gunnery Officer
of the German Battlecruiser Derfflinger. The
Battle of Borodino By Baron Lejeune, a French Army Colonel who
served as aide-de-camp during the 1812 invasion of Russia.
The Battle of Manila Bay By Admiral George
Dewey, commander of the American squadron which fought at this first naval
battle of the Spanish-American War.
Bombing of Hiroshima, By Father P. Siemes. Copy of a manuscript
typed by this German Jesuit priest in September, 1945, shortly after his
personal observation of the August bombing and its
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History |
Memoirs Reminiscences of the Civil War by John B. Gordon
(American Civil War) Personal Memoirs of
U.S. Grant by Ulysses S. Grant (American Civil War)
High Adventure by James Norman Hall (WWI
Aviation) Advance and Retreat by
John B. Hood (American Civil War) The
Grand Fleet by John R. Jellicoe (WWI Naval)
From Manassas to Appomattox by James
Longstreet (American Civil War) Recollections of Marshal Macdonald by Etienne
Macdonald (Napoleonic) Fighting the
Flying Circus by Edward Rickenbacker (WWI Aviation)
The Red Fighter Pilot by Manfred von
Richthofen (WWI Aviation) Memoirs of the
Duke of Rovigo by Anne Jean Savary (Napoleonic)
Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War by
Reinhard Scheer (WWI Naval) Rasplata and
The Battle of Tsushima by Vladimir Semenov (Russo-Japanese
Naval) Memoirs of General William T.
Sherman, by William T. Sherman (American Civil War)
Memories of Forty-Eight Years Service
by Horace Smith-Dorrien (WWI) Marshal
Suchet - War in Spain, by Louis-Gabriel Suchet